Video Archive

Rescuing Her Father From an Assisted Living Facility in the Coronavirus Epicenter

The home’s administrator assured her that her 82-year-old father was safe, she said. Then she found out the coronavirus was tearing through the facility — and her dad had caught it.

Seattle Allowed 33,000 Fans to Attend a Soccer Game as COVID-19 Cases Increased

Hundreds of pages of emails show officials debating how seriously to take the spreading virus.

Why This Coronavirus Is Not Like the Flu, or Even the Swine Flu

COVID-19 is unlike anything in our lifetime. But the president has repeatedly compared it to the H1N1 swine flu outbreak of 2009. Here's why it's different, and much more dangerous.

Inside an Immigration Detention Facility as the Coronavirus Spreads

At an ICE detention facility in New Jersey, detainees are on a hunger strike to try to obtain soap and toilet paper in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

How Quickly Hospitals Could Fill Up if We Don’t Slow Coronavirus Down

How soon regions run out of hospital beds depends on how fast the novel coronavirus spreads, and how many open beds they had to begin with.

Watch: Test Videos Reveal How Evenflo Put Children at Risk

There’s no government oversight of side-impact tests, so Evenflo made up its own and gave itself passing grades.

Adrift: How the Marine Corps Failed Squadron 242

Falling from 15,000 feet, two Marines hit the Pacific Ocean at 800 feet per minute. They were bruised and cold, their rescue equipment failed and help was hours away.

New Video Shows Border Patrol Account of Child’s Death Was Not True

Video obtained by ProPublica shows the Border Patrol held a sick teen in a concrete cell without proper medical attention and did not discover his body until his cellmate alerted guards. The video doesn’t match the Border Patrol's account of his death.

How We Identified the Frat Brothers Holding Guns in Front of an Emmett Till Memorial

We searched through property records, tips from Instagram users, and dozens of Instagram and Facebook photos and videos to figure out their names.

Police Footage: The Interrogation That Led to Ricky Joyner’s Murder Charge

During more than two hours of interrogation, Joyner repeatedly said he wanted to talk to a lawyer. But police kept questioning him, even after he asked to leave.

How the FBI Uses Unproven Image Analysis Techniques in Criminal Cases

The bureau’s image unit has linked defendants to crime photographs for decades using unproven techniques and baseless statistics.

Americans Dodge $660 Billion in Taxes Each Year — And It’s Probably Getting Worse

The IRS is underfunded and understaffed. One result: audits of the wealthy are rapidly declining.

How a Police Beating in Elkhart, Indiana Unfolded

Reporting by ProPublica and the South Bend Tribune revealed a history of corruption and police abuse in Elkhart. This video, obtained through a public records request, shows police officers punching and kicking a handcuffed man.


Katie Meyler’s charity, More Than Me, was created to save vulnerable girls from sexual exploitation. But from the very beginning, girls were being raped by a man Meyler trusted.

How “Levee Wars” Are Making Floods Worse

High levees come at a high cost, often pushing water into communities that can’t afford the same protection. To demonstrate, we built a giant, scientific model of a river with levees — complete with adorable tiny houses.

Treated Like Trash

Inside New York’s private garbage industry there’s fatal accidents; brutal work conditions; suspicious unions and lax oversight.

Broken Hearts

ProPublica and the Houston Chronicle investigate troubles at Baylor St. Luke’s Hospital in Houston, where an illustrious heart program has recently had some of the worst outcomes in the country.

He’s a Proud Neo-Nazi, Charlottesville Attacker – and a U.S. Marine

Vasilios Pistolis, a Marine, took part in the violent Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville and later bragged about it online with other members of Atomwaffen, an extremist group preparing for a race war.


A teenager told police all about his gang, MS-13. In return, he was slated for deportation and marked for death.

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