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How Policy Impacts Migrants

287 stories published since 2016

The Trump Administration Is Rushing Deportations of Migrant Children During Coronavirus

COVID-19 Cases at One Texas Immigration Detention Center Soared in a Matter of Days. Now, Town Leaders Want Answers.

ICE Has Access to DACA Recipients’ Personal Information Despite Promises Suggesting Otherwise, Internal Emails Show

Al menos 37 menores en un albergue de Chicago para inmigrantes detenidos han dado positivo en pruebas de COVID-19

At Least 19 Children at a Chicago Shelter for Immigrant Detainees Have Tested Positive for COVID-19

In a 10-Day Span, ICE Flew This Detainee Across the Country — Nine Times

As Coronavirus Infections Spread, So Have Clashes Between ICE Detainees and Guards

ICE ha fallado constantemente en contener enfermedades contagiosas, según nuestros análisis. Es un peligro para el público.

Immigration Courts Are Telling Employees to Come to Work — Ignoring Health Risks and Local Shelter-in-Place Orders

ICE Has Repeatedly Failed to Contain Contagious Diseases, Our Analysis Shows. It’s a Danger to the Public.

The Trump Administration Calls Iraq Dangerous for Christians — Until It Wants to Deport Them

The FBI Is Investigating Massive Embezzlement of Border Patrol Union Funds

A Group of Agents Rose Through the Ranks to Lead the Border Patrol. They’re Leaving It in Crisis.

Border Patrol Officials Dodged Congress’ Questions About Migrant Children’s Deaths

Six Children Died in Border Patrol Care. Democrats in Congress Want to Know Why.

McKinsey Called Our Story About Its ICE Contract False. It’s Not.

Dentro de la celda donde murió el adolescente guatemalteco bajo custodia de la Patrulla Fronteriza

House Chairman Says Trump Administration Misled Congress on Boy’s Death in Custody

Inside the Cell Where a Sick 16-Year-Old Boy Died in Border Patrol Care

How McKinsey Helped the Trump Administration Detain and Deport Immigrants

Border Agents Can Now Get Classified Intelligence Information. Experts Call That Dangerous.

Las tácticas de las compañías farmacéuticas para atraer a mexicanos que donen plasma en la frontera con EEUU

While Trump Cracked Down on Immigration, a Republican Megadonor Sued for a Special Visa

Pharmaceutical Companies Are Luring Mexicans Across the U.S. Border to Donate Blood Plasma

The Trump Administration Issues Dozens of Corrections to Its Error-Riddled Immigration Rule

En una disputa sobre tutela, los hijos de un padre hispanohablante se quedarán con sus padres de acogida eslovacohablantes

In a Disputed Custody Case, the Children of a Spanish-Speaking Father Will Remain With Their Slovak-Speaking Foster Parents

The Administration Rushed on a Sweeping Immigration Policy. We Found Substantive, Sloppy Mistakes.

“Dirtbag,” “Savages,” “Subhuman”: A Border Agent’s Hateful Career and the Crime That Finally Ended It

The Case That Made an Ex-ICE Attorney Realize the Government Was Relying on False “Evidence” Against Migrants

Un agente de la Patrulla Fronteriza revela la realidad de ser guardia de niños migrantes

A Border Patrol Agent Reveals What It’s Really Like to Guard Migrant Children

Revelations About a Secret Facebook Group Spawn Investigation of 70 Current and Former Border Patrol Employees

Border Patrol Official Circulates Article That Deems Our Reporting on Secret Facebook Group a Threat

Border Patrol Agents Are Passing Around A Commemorative Coin Mocking Care for Migrant Kids

Inmigrantes menores enviados a albergues de Chicago están traumatizados y enfermos, a veces con varicela o tuberculosis

Border Patrol Condemns Secret Facebook Group, but Reveals Few Specifics

Immigration Officials Use Secretive Gang Databases to Deny Migrant Asylum Claims

People Are Using Secret Facebook Groups To Spread Hate We Can’t See. We Need Your Help.

En un grupo secreto en Facebook, agentes de la Patrulla Fronteriza se burlan de inmigrantes muertos y publican memes sexistas

Investigation of Secret Border Patrol Group Launched as New Degrading Facebook Posts Surface

Inside the Secret Border Patrol Facebook Group Where Agents Joke About Migrant Deaths and Post Sexist Memes

ACLU Sues Pennsylvania State Police, Alleging They’ve Overstepped in Acting as Immigration Authorities

Years Ago, the Border Patrol’s Discipline System Was Denounced as “Broken.” It’s Still Not Fixed.

Over 200 Allegations of Abuse of Migrant Children; 1 Case of Homeland Security Disciplining Someone

Una de las pediatras que atendió a niños inmigrantes describe un patrón de brechas en la atención médica proporcionada en los albergues

Pediatrician Who Treated Immigrant Children Describes Pattern of Lapses in Medical Care in Shelters

Zero Tolerance: Inside the Secretive Network of Immigrant Youth Shelters in Illinois

Atrapados en persecuciones mortales

Trapped in a Deadly Chase