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Zero Tolerance

Trump’s Immigration Policy at the Border

The Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” policy called for the prosecution of all people who attempt to enter the country illegally, and has resulted in the separation of more than 2,300 migrant children from their parents since April. ProPublica is covering the ongoing developments.

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Zero Tolerance

Six Children Died in Border Patrol Care. Democrats in Congress Want to Know Why.

Video obtained by ProPublica contradicted the Border Patrol’s account of 16-year-old Carlos Gregorio Hernandez Vasquez’s death. Now, House Democrats are pressuring the agency to explain why six migrant children died under its care in less than a year.

Zero Tolerance

Después de la controversia, Heartland va a cerrar cuatro albergues para jóvenes inmigrantes en Illinois

Al mismo tiempo, otro operador de albergues está intentando expandir su presencia en Chicago.

Zero Tolerance

After Controversy, Heartland to Close Four Illinois Shelters for Immigrant Youth

At the same time, another shelter operator is trying to expand its footprint in Chicago.

Zero Tolerance

Senators Demand Investigation Into Sexual Abuse at Immigrant Children’s Shelters

Sens. Charles Grassley and Dianne Feinstein said they are particularly concerned that allegations of sexual assault of unaccompanied minors aren’t being properly investigated.

Internal Investigation Confirms Border Patrol Failures Leading Up to a 16-Year-Old’s Death on the Floor of His Cell

ICE Has Access to DACA Recipients’ Personal Information Despite Promises Suggesting Otherwise, Internal Emails Show

“Las mujeres en un lado y los varones en otro lado”: Cómo fue que los nuevos poderes, y los viejos descuidos, de la Patrulla Fronteriza separaron a una familia

“Women to One Side, Men to the Other”: How the Border Patrol’s New Powers and Old Carelessness Separated a Family

Border Patrol Officials Dodged Congress’ Questions About Migrant Children’s Deaths

Dentro de la celda donde murió el adolescente guatemalteco bajo custodia de la Patrulla Fronteriza

Inside the Cell Where a Sick 16-Year-Old Boy Died in Border Patrol Care

New Video Shows Border Patrol Account of Child’s Death Was Not True

Border Agents Can Now Get Classified Intelligence Information. Experts Call That Dangerous.

El caso que hizo que una exabogada de ICE se diera cuenta de que el gobierno se estaba basando en “pruebas” falsas contra los migrantes

The Case That Made an Ex-ICE Attorney Realize the Government Was Relying on False “Evidence” Against Migrants

Solicitantes de asilo que obedecieron las reglas de Trump quedan ahora descalificados debido a nuevas directrices del presidente

Asylum-Seekers Who Followed Trump Rule Now Don’t Qualify Because of New Trump Rule

Un agente de la Patrulla Fronteriza revela la realidad de ser guardia de niños migrantes

A Border Patrol Agent Reveals What It’s Really Like to Guard Migrant Children

Inmigrantes menores enviados a albergues de Chicago están traumatizados y enfermos, a veces con varicela o tuberculosis

Immigrant Children Sent to Chicago Shelters Are Traumatized and Sick, in Some Instances With Chicken Pox or Tuberculosis

Immigration Officials Use Secretive Gang Databases to Deny Migrant Asylum Claims

Una de las pediatras que atendió a niños inmigrantes describe un patrón de brechas en la atención médica proporcionada en los albergues

Pediatrician Who Treated Immigrant Children Describes Pattern of Lapses in Medical Care in Shelters

Zero Tolerance: Inside the Secretive Network of Immigrant Youth Shelters in Illinois

ProPublica and Partners Win Pulitzer Prize for MS-13 Coverage

5 Things You Need to Know About the Closing of Immigrant Youth Shelters in Illinois

Para un niño inmigrante, ¿cómo resulta vislumbrar el sueño americano para que luego se lo arrebaten?

What’s It Like for an Immigrant Child to Have a Glimpse of the American Dream, Then Have It Taken Away?

Salvadoran Girl Whose Cries Highlighted the Cruelty of Family Separation Policy Embraces New Life

En los albergues para menores inmigrantes, los casos de agresión sexual se abren y cierran en un dos por tres

In Immigrant Children’s Shelters, Sexual Assault Cases Are Open and Shut

6-Year-Old Separated From His Father Tells Judge He Wants to Go Home

Agency Policing Tent City for Immigrant Kids Lacks Experience Investigating Sex Crimes Involving Children

Government Reverses Course, Sending 4-Year-Old Boy Back to His Father

Todavía hay familias que están siendo separadas en la frontera, meses después de haberse revocado la “cero tolerancia”

Un encausado se presenta solo al tribunal de inmigración. Tiene 6 años de edad.

Families Are Still Being Separated at the Border, Months After “Zero Tolerance” Was Reversed

A Defendant Shows Up in Immigration Court by Himself. He’s 6.

“Humanitarian Crisis” Looms as Arizona Threatens to Revoke Immigrant Children Shelter Licenses

Authorities Can Now Deny Visa and Green Card Applications Without Giving Applicants a Chance to Fix Errors

Esto es lo que pasó a los 99 niños inmigrantes separados de sus padres y enviados a Chicago

Here’s What Happened to the 99 Immigrant Children Separated From Their Parents and Sent to Chicago

Mientras pasan los meses en albergues de Chicago, menores migrantes contemplan fugarse y hasta suicidarse

As Months Pass in Chicago Shelters, Immigrant Children Contemplate Escape, Even Suicide

Trabajador acusado de abusar sexualmente a ocho menores de edad en albergue para inmigrantes

Informes revelan supervisión “laxa,” actividad sexual en centros de acogida de niños inmigrantes en Chicago

Worker Charged With Sexually Molesting Eight Children at Immigrant Shelter

Records Reveal “Lax” Supervision, Sexual Activity at Chicago-Area Shelters Housing Immigrant Children

Refugios para jóvenes inmigrantes: “Si eres un depredador, es una mina de oro”

Recuperó a su bebé del centro de acogida de inmigración. Y, ¿ahora qué?

She Got Her Baby Back From Immigration Foster Care. Now What?

“Ocultos a plena vista”: Cientos de migrantes menores son albergados en una red opaca de refugios en Illinois

Una bebé fue separada de su tío en la frontera. Tres meses después, su madre todavía está tratando de recuperarla.

Immigrant Youth Shelters: “If You’re a Predator, It’s a Gold Mine”

“Hidden in Plain Sight”: Hundreds of Immigrant Children and Teens Housed in Opaque Network of Chicago-Area Shelters

Immigrant Shelters Drug Traumatized Teenagers Without Consent

A Baby Was Separated From Her Uncle at the Border. Three Months Later, Her Mother Is Still Trying to Get Her Back.

Watch the 6-Year-Old Salvadoran Girl Heard on a Secret Recording Out of a Border Patrol Detention Facility Finally Being Reunited With Her Mom

La niña de 6 años escuchada en una grabación de audio de una instalación fronteriza sigue separada de su madre, que se esfuerza para criarla desde 1.000 millas de distancia

“Solo quiero decirle que lo amo”

The 6-Year-Old Heard on Border Facility Audiotape Is Still Separated From Her Mother, Who Must Parent From 1,000 Miles Away

“I Just Want to Tell My Son I Love Him”

The Immigrant Children’s Shelters Near You

Sobre el mapa de centros de niños inmigrantes

Here’s What It’s Like to Work at a Shelter for Immigrant Kids

About the Immigrant Children Shelter Map

Conhece algo sobre um centro de detenção ou abrigo das crianças imigrantes?

Do You Know a Child In a Detention Center or Shelter Facility?

Conhece uma criança num abrigo ou centro de detenção nos EUA?

Do You Know Something About a Detention Center or Shelter Where the Government is Holding Children?

¿Sabes algo de un centro de detención o de un refugio de niños inmigrantes?

¿Conoces a un niño en un centro de detención o refugio?

Estos son los centros con niños inmigrantes que están cerca de ti

He estado cubriendo MS-13 durante un año. Estos son los cinco puntos en los que Trump se equivoca sobre la pandilla

Para una niña de seis años atrapada en el laberinto de inmigración, un número de teléfono memorizado se convierte en su salvavidas

Video: Separada de su madre en la frontera, una niña de seis años tiene que buscar su propio camino

I’ve Been Reporting on MS-13 for a Year. Here Are the 5 Things Trump Gets Most Wrong.

Video: Separated From Her Mother at the Border, a 6-Year-Old Has to Find Her Own Way

For a 6-Year-Old Snared in the Immigration Maze, a Memorized Phone Number Proves a Lifeline

Behind the Criminal Immigration Law: Eugenics and White Supremacy

Video: The Voices Missing From the Immigration Debate

DHS Chief is Confronted With ProPublica Tape of Wailing Children Separated from Parents

Escucha a los niños que acaban de ser separados de sus padres en la frontera

Listen to Children Who’ve Just Been Separated From Their Parents at the Border