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Vaccinating America

Tracking the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines as the United States emerges from the pandemic.

The COVID-19 Booster’s Public Relations Problem

Counties at Highest Risk for COVID Harm Often Have Lowest Vaccination Rates

A Tiny Number of People Will Be Hospitalized Despite Being Vaccinated. We Have to Learn Why.

Barreras falsas: estas cosas no deberían impedirle vacunarse contra COVID-19

False Barriers: These Things Should Not Prevent You From Getting a COVID Vaccine

Ayúdenos con nuestros reportajes sobre la vacuna contra COVID-19

How Inequity Gets Built Into America’s Vaccination System

Why We Can’t Make Vaccine Doses Any Faster

Fauci: Vaccines for Kids as Young as First Graders Could Be Authorized by September

Why Opening Restaurants Is Exactly What the Coronavirus Wants Us to Do

How Many Vaccine Shots Go to Waste? Several States Aren’t Counting.

How Operation Warp Speed Created Vaccination Chaos

Vaccinating Black Americans Is Essential. Key States Aren’t Doing the Work to Combat Hesitancy

Most States Aren’t Ready to Distribute the Leading COVID-19 Vaccine