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Sex and Gender

ProPublica's Nina Martin reporting on American systems and institutions — from schools to hospitals to prisons — that fail or mistreat people on the basis of their gender or sexuality.

ProPublica's Nina Martin reporting on American systems and institutions that fail or mistreat people on the basis of their gender or sexuality.

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Sex and Gender

Alabama Considers a Step Back From Prosecuting Pregnant Drug Users

A task force studying ways to fix the state’s broken health care system takes aim at a law that criminalizes prenatal drug use.

Behind the Supreme Court’s Abortion Decision, More Than a Decade of Privately Funded Research

4 Ways Research Has Reframed the Abortion Debate

Game Changer: The Best Analysis of the Supreme Court’s Abortion Decision

In Texas Decision, Supreme Court Delivers Sweeping Win for Abortion Rights

Why North Carolina’s New Anti-LGBT Law is a Trojan Horse

What’s at Stake in the Latest Supreme Court Showdown Over Contraception and Religious Freedom

Our Updated Reading List for the Supreme Court’s Texas Abortion Case

The Most Important Abortion Case You Never Heard About

A Showdown Year for Reproductive Rights

How States Handle Drug Use During Pregnancy

How Some Alabama Hospitals Quietly Drug Test New Mothers — Without Their Consent

Alabama's Meth Lab Law, Abortion Rights and the Strange Case of Jane Doe

7 Reproductive Rights Issues to Watch in 2015

Judge Throws Out Murder Charge in Mississippi Fetal Harm Case

In Healthcare Suit Against Catholic Bishops, the Specter of an Early Defeat

A Stillborn Child, A Charge of Murder and the Disputed Case Law on 'Fetal Harm'

Sex, Gender, and the Familiar Fight Over Religious Exemptions

Amid Abortion Debate, the Pursuit of Science

The Growth of Catholic Hospitals, By the Numbers

At a Catholic Hospital, a Dispute Over What a Doctor Can Do – and Say

Personnel Fouls: Sex Discrimination Suits Shake Tennessee Athletics

For Transgender Patients, a Growing Fight Over Health Coverage

Catholic Hospitals Grow, and With Them Questions of Care

California Poised to Broaden Access to Abortions

The Impact and Echoes of the Wal-Mart Discrimination Case