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Do you know a child who has been forcibly restrained or secluded at school? Help us investigate by sharing your story.

Impact of Our Reporting


Bellwether Behavioral Health Is Controversial Group Home Operator AdvoServ — With a New Name

After two deaths of teenage residents in less than four years, AdvoServ has quietly taken a new name that makes it harder to follow the trail of media coverage, including ours.


Florida Cracks Down on Troubled For-profit Facility for the Disabled

After years of reports of abusive treatment, Florida is moving residents out of Carlton Palms.


FDA to Massachusetts Group Home: Stop Shocking Disabled Residents

The government questions whether The Judge Rotenberg Center has been straight with families about the risks of its electrical shock devices and alternative treatments.


Florida Lawmakers Look to Roll Back Favored Status For For-Profit Group Home


Washington Legislature Moves to Limit Schools Pinning Down and Isolating Kids

It’s the latest in a national trend to reduce restraints of school kids.


Virginia Passes Bill to Rein in Restraints of School Kids

Many schools in the state still have no policies or rules around pinning kids down.

Maryland Sues Notorious For-Profit Group Homes. The Company Was the Subject of ProPublica Investigation.

Florida Moves to Shut Down For-Profit Residence After Finding Horrific Abuse and Neglect

Camera Catches Shoving Match with Group Home Worker Before Teenager’s Heart Stopped

Maryland’s Move to Pull Children From Group Homes Came Too Late for Teenager Who Died

Teenage Girl Dies After Incident at For-profit Group Home

Kids Get Hurt at Residential Schools While States Look On

What Happened to Adam



New York City Lays Out Limits on Restraints And Suspensions

Connecticut Schools Pin Down and Restrain 'Staggering' Number of Kids

Massachusetts Tightens Rules on Restraining, Secluding Students

New York City Sends $30 Million a Year to School With History of Giving Kids Electric Shocks

Los Angeles and New York Pin Down School Kids and Then Say It Never Happened

Federal Investigators Crack Down on Two Virginia Schools’ Use of Restraints

Meet the Groups Fighting Against Limits on Restraining School Kids

Can Schools in Your State Pin Kids Down? Probably.

Restraint Techniques

Violent and Legal: The Shocking Ways School Kids Are Being Pinned Down, Isolated Against Their Will