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Bombs in Our Backyard

Investigating One of America’s Greatest Polluters

The Pentagon has poisoned millions of acres and left Americans to guess at the threat to their health. Its oversight of thousands of toxic sites has been marked by defiance and delay.

Impact of Our Reporting

Bombs in Our Backyard

Defense Inspector General to Investigate Military’s Toxic Open Burning

The inquiry will evaluate whether the polluting practice is legal, and whether contractors have proper oversight.

Bombs in Our Backyard

Congress Aims to Force Pentagon Reform on Open Burning of Munitions

A provision of the latest proposed defense spending bill mandates that the Department of Defense address one of its longstanding and dangerous sources of pollution.

How the EPA and the Pentagon Downplayed a Growing Toxic Threat

Suppressed Study: The EPA Underestimated Dangers of Widespread Chemicals

Get an Inside Look at the Department of Defense’s Struggle to Fix Pollution at More Than 39,000 Sites

Canadian Research Adds to Worry Over an Environmental Threat the Pentagon Has Downplayed for Decades

Long Story Short

War at Home

The Bomb That Went Off Twice

Bombs in Your Backyard

Reporting Recipe: Bombs in Your Backyard

How Military Outsourcing Turned Toxic

Dangerous Pollutants in Military’s Open Burns Greater Than Thought, Tests Indicate

Kaboom Town

In Colfax, Echoes of Another Conflict

One Year, One Facility, 1.7 Million Pounds of Hazardous Waste Burned in Open Air

Open Burns, Ill Winds

Toxic Fires