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Health Care

Arterial Motives

The Big Business of Clogged Arteries

Millions of Americans suffer from clogged arteries. But doctors have dangerous incentives to perform excessive and risky procedures.

Impact of Our Reporting

Arterial Motives

Senators Demand Answers About “Alarming” Reports of Excessive and Risky Artery Procedures on Veterans

Hours after ProPublica and The Wichita Eagle published allegations of kickbacks for the “egregious” use of medical devices at a veterans hospital, Kansas’ Republican senators have questions for the VA secretary.

This Researcher Warned of Unnecessary, Risky Vascular Procedures. She Was Called a “Nazi” and Accused of “Fratricide.”

How ProPublica and CareSet Investigated the Overuse of Vascular Procedures

Thousands of Patients May Be Undergoing Vascular Procedures Too Soon or Unnecessarily

Unstoppable: This Doctor Has Been Investigated at Every Level of Government. How Is He Still Practicing?

¿Tiene una arteria bloqueada en la pierna? Esto es lo que debe saber.

¿Tiene experiencia con la enfermedad arterial periférica? ¿Ha tenido un procedimiento en su pierna? Cuéntenos al respecto.

Cenas con bistec, representantes de ventas y procedimientos riesgosos: Dentro del gran negocio de las arterias obstruidas

En el “salvaje oeste” de la atención vascular ambulatoria, los médicos pueden obtener grandes pagos a medida que los pacientes arriesgan la vida y las extremidades

Blocked Artery in Your Leg? Here’s What You Should Know.

In the “Wild West” of Outpatient Vascular Care, Doctors Can Reap Huge Payments as Patients Risk Life and Limb

Do You Have Experience With Peripheral Artery Disease? Have You Had a Procedure on Your Leg? Tell Us About It.

Steak Dinners, Sales Reps and Risky Procedures: Inside the Big Business of Clogged Arteries