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Suevon Lee

Suevon Lee was an intern at ProPublica.

Suevon Lee was an intern at ProPublica. She has previously worked as a reporter for the Ocala Star-Banner, where she covered courts and legal issues. She earned a master of studies in law degree from Yale Law School in 2012 and master’s degree from Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism in 2006.

Buying Your Vote

What Effect, If Any, Did Voter ID Laws Have on the Election?

Dealt early defeats in court, the laws’ actual impact on voters remains an open question

Buying Your Vote

Welcome to Election Day: Seven Things That Could Go Wrong (or Already Have)

Long lines, confusion, voter suppression, Sandy-related disruptions, a tie in electoral votes and more.

Buying Your Vote

Five of the Most Confusing Ballots in the Country

In many states, voters will be asked to weigh in on a slew of measures and proposals, whether comprehensible or not.

Buying Your Vote

Reading Guide: Where Romney and Obama Stand on the Supreme Court

It's a topic voters won't necessarily hear about – despite the long-lasting consequences.

Big Bird Debate: How Much Does Federal Funding Matter to Public Broadcasting?

From Sesame Street to Main Street, a look at how many tax dollars are spent on public broadcasting.

Buying Your Vote

Four Ways Ohio and Others Have Toughened Voting Rules

It's not just voter-ID laws. Learn what else states are doing that has gotten heat.

A Reading Guide to True the Vote, the Controversial Voter Fraud Watchdog

The group bills itself as a citizen-led effort to restore faith and integrity to elections. Who’s behind this group and what does it stand for?

Where the Candidates Stand on Medicare and Medicaid

You’ve heard the candidates talk about their plans to change coverage—now see what the facts are.

Voting Rights Act: The State of Section 5

A key provision of the Voting Rights Act has come under close scrutiny as it potentially heads to the Supreme Court this next term.

Buying Your Vote

Akin Controversy Stirs GOP: Where Do Republicans Stand on Abortion Exemption?

Akin clings to Senate nomination, as his party scrambles to limit damage.