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Photo of Sisi Wei

Sisi Wei

Sisi Wei was the assistant managing editor at ProPublica, where she edited a team of investigative journalists/developers who build interactive stories to serve the public interest.

Sisi Wei was an investigative journalist, designer and developer at ProPublica, where she built interactive stories that serve the public interest. Her work has ranged from investigating which U.S. colleges saddle students with debt to monitoring how often China blocks international news outlets. Sisi has won numerous Malofiej, SND Digital and ONA awards, the Gannett Award for Innovation in Watchdog Journalism, and the 2016 Data Journalism Award for Best Individual Portfolio. She has served as an adjunct professor at New York University, The New School and CUNY, and she is also the co-founder of Code with me, a high-impact, nonprofit workshop that teaches journalists how to code. Sisi previously worked at the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal and the Associated Press.

Currently, Sisi is also researching and developing games for journalism. She has published multiple articles, teaches a course and gives talks on how to use games to tell stories. She has been cited many times in research and reports on the current state of newsgames.

Dollars for Profs

Dollars for Profs: Search Conflicts of Interest

For the first time ever, you can see conflict of interest and financial disclosure records for employees of universities across the country.

Nonprofit Explorer: Research Tax-Exempt Organizations

Search the full text of over 9.6 million tax filing documents going back as far as 2001.

What ProPublica Is Doing About Diversity in 2019

Here is our annual report on the breakdown of our staff and how we’re working to create a more diverse newsroom and inclusive journalism community.

Breakdown in New York City

We’ve Updated FEC Itemizer. See What’s New.

ProPublica’s database of campaign filings now includes spending by political committees at Trump Organization properties.

The Waiting Game

The U.S. is supposed to be a safe haven for people fleeing persecution. But asylum-seekers face years of uncertainty when they arrive. Play this game to see how long you can last in their shoes.

What ProPublica Is Doing About Diversity in 2018

Here is a breakdown of our staff. And here is how we’re working to create a more diverse newsroom and inclusive journalism community.

Here Are the White House Visitor Records the Trump Administration Didn’t Want You to See

White House Visitor Records the Trump Administration Didn’t Want You to See

Announcing Free Videos and Training Materials From the ProPublica Data Institute

Couldn’t come to the ProPublica Data Institute? Now you can learn some of the lessons from home.

Updated: Nonprofit Explorer

We have added raw data from more than 1.9 million electronically filed Form 990 documents dating back to 2010.