Sasha Chavkin
Sasha Chavkin was an intern at ProPublica
Sasha Chavkin was an intern at ProPublica. He has previously written for Mother Jones, the Nation, and Grist.
Have You Filed a Claim With BP?
To hold BP and the government accountable, ProPublica wants to hear from those who have filed damage claims related to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
by Amanda Michel and Sasha Chavkin,
Mental Health Claims From Oil Spill Probably Won’t Be Paid
The administrator of BP's $20 billion fund says he will probably not compensate people for mental health claims. "You have to draw the line somewhere," the administrator, Kenneth Feinberg, told members of Congress recently.
by Sasha Chavkin,
OSHA Cuts Outdated Air Quality Rule From Oil Worker Training
OSHA says it is no longer training oil cleanup workers to follow some outdated air quality exposure rules, and says it is applying stricture guidelines.
by Sasha Chavkin,
Lobbyists Promote Asbestos Use in the Developing World
Though it is banned or restricted in many countries, asbestos still has flourishing markets in Russia, China and elsewhere. An investigation looks at the lobbying effort behind it.
by Sasha Chavkin,
New Safety Training Finally Begins for Offshore Cleanup Workers
Prodded by OSHA, BP begins increased training for Gulf oil spill cleanup workers. The training has doubled in length and includes new topics such as exposure to weathered oil and dispersant safety.
by Sasha Chavkin,
New BP Data Shows Payments on Less Than a Third of Claims
Many Gulf Coast residents with claims against BP are still waiting for their first checks. New statistics from the company show that thousands of claims are being sent back for more information.
by Sasha Chavkin,
Louisiana Presses Campaign for BP to Fund Mental Health Services
After Louisiana appeals to the federal government, BP finally responds to the state’s request for mental health money. But it is still unclear whether the company will help.
by Sasha Chavkin,
Coast Guard Photos Show Spill Workers Without Protective Gear
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration requires oil cleanup workers to wear gloves, rubber boots and other safety equipment, but Coast Guard pictures from Texas show the rules aren't always followed. OSHA says it is addressing the problem.
by Sasha Chavkin,
Watch: Police Video Shows ProPublica Photographer Detained in Texas
A video taken from a police camera shows officers and a BP security guard questioning our photographer in Texas. The photographer was taking pictures near BP's refinery in Texas City.
by Sasha Chavkin,
Despite Tar Balls and Health Complaints, Florida Beaches Stay Open
Beaches near Pensacola, Fla., are still open despite tar balls washing up, reports of illnesses of beachgoers and health warnings. Even the EPA chief says she wouldn’t swim there.
by Sasha Chavkin,