Sasha Chavkin
Sasha Chavkin was an intern at ProPublica
Sasha Chavkin was an intern at ProPublica. He has previously written for Mother Jones, the Nation, and Grist.
BP's Claims Reporting Leaves a Fuzzy Picture
How well claimants are being compensated for oil spill damages is impossible to tell from BP’s numbers. Those who have been paid are all counted the same, regardless of the details.
by Sasha Chavkin,
In Shakeup, Incoming Spill Claims Czar Will Drop BP's Contractor
The independent claims czar for the BP spill plans to drop the contractor BP had been using and hire two companies to replace it.
by Sasha Chavkin,
Newsrooms Join ProPublica in Examining BP Claims Process: More Welcome
Examining the handling of 140,000 claims filed for damages from the BP oil spill is a job too big for any one newsroom.
by Amanda Michel and Sasha Chavkin,
BP Confirms That Thousands of Claims Decisions Will Be Deferred
BP acknowledges its decision to hold off paying many claims -- and will wait for Kenneth Feinberg, the independent administrator, to take over.
by Sasha Chavkin,
BP Leaves Many Damage Claims Waiting in Limbo
BP is lagging on deciding the validity of many damage claims, and claimants may have to wait until after the special administrator takes over later this month.
by Sasha Chavkin,
ProPublica’s Unofficial Guide to BP Spill Claims
Seeking compensation for damages from the Gulf spill? Here’s our handy guide.
by Sasha Chavkin,
¿Usted ha registrado una demanda con BP?
Lectores, necesitamos su ayuda. Es hora de examinar la operación masiva de las demandas establecida por BP para los daños del derramamiento de crudo y gas en el Golfo de México.
by Amanda Michel and Sasha Chavkin,
Đang khiếu nại về dầu tràn với BP?
Đang khiếu nại về dầu tràn với BP?
by Amanda Michel and Sasha Chavkin,