Ryan Knutson
Ryan Knutson was an intern at ProPublica.
Ryan Knutson was an intern at ProPublica. A graduate of the University of Oregon, he's written for The Wall Street Journal, The Oregonian and The Daily Graphic of Ghana. He's also spent time as a radio reporter for OPBNews in Portland, Ore.
Despite Legislation, Misleading RNC 'Census' Mailers Continue
The Republican National Committee continues to exploit a loophole in the law with fundraising mailers sent under the guise of the census. Congress has passed another bill to stop the practice, but President Obama hasn't signed it yet.
by Ryan Knutson,
Gov't Loan Mod Program Leaves Some Homeowners Worse Off
When some candidates are booted from a home loan modification trials, they discover they owe more than if they had never had a modification at all – even if they kept up with the payments.
by Ryan Knutson,