Rob Weychert
Rob was an editorial experience designer at ProPublica
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Rob was an editorial experience designer at ProPublica. Previously, he helped establish the Philadelphia office of the web design agency Happy Cog before serving as an interaction designer at Harmonix, best known for the Rock Band series of video games. He also spent several years as the print producer for the A Book Apart series of web design publications. Rob has a BFA in Communication Design from Kutztown University.
Breaking the Black Box: How Machines Learn to Be Racist
Artificial Intelligence is only as good as the patterns we teach it. To illustrate the sensitivity of AI systems, we built an AI engine that deduced synonyms from news articles published by different types of news organizations.
Breaking the Black Box: When Machines Learn by Experimenting on Us
As we enter the era of artificial intelligence, machines regularly conduct experiments on human behavior. Here’s a look at how software used by the New York Times and New York Post uses you to test their headlines.
When Algorithms Decide What You Pay
The phone you use, the computer you own and the ZIP code you live in can all be factors in what prices you see when shopping online. Welcome to the world of mass customization.
Breaking the Black Box: What Facebook Knows About You
We live in an era of increasing automation. But as machines make more decisions for us, it is increasingly important to understand the algorithms that produce their judgments.
A Gunfight in Guatemala
Enrique Degenhart tried to clean up Guatemala's immigration service. His story is part of a nation's extraordinary fight against corruption.
Liquid Assets
A maverick hedge fund manager thinks Wall Street is the answer to the water crisis in the West.
An Unbelievable Story of Rape
An 18-year-old said she was attacked at knifepoint. Then she said she made it up. That’s where our story begins.
by T. Christian Miller, ProPublica, and Ken Armstrong, The Marshall Project,