Rob Weychert
Rob was an editorial experience designer at ProPublica
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Rob was an editorial experience designer at ProPublica. Previously, he helped establish the Philadelphia office of the web design agency Happy Cog before serving as an interaction designer at Harmonix, best known for the Rock Band series of video games. He also spent several years as the print producer for the A Book Apart series of web design publications. Rob has a BFA in Communication Design from Kutztown University.
Inside ProPublica’s Article Layout Framework
How we vastly expanded our website’s visual storytelling capabilities.
by Rob Weychert,
A New Article Page Design at ProPublica
A few weeks ago we quietly launched a new look and feel for stories at ProPublica. A lot changed under the hood. Here’s what’s new.
Who Biden Is Putting in Power
Here’s ProPublica’s running list of Joe Biden’s picks to run the federal government.
by Mike Spies, Jake Pearson, Lydia DePillis, Dara Lind and Rob Weychert,
As the Cabinet Churns: Who’s Still Standing Among Trump’s Top Advisers
Three years into President Donald Trump’s term, the roster of his cabinet members and top advisers continues to churn at an unprecedented rate.
by Rob Weychert, Kyle Edwards and Anjali Tsui,
Palm Oil Was Supposed to Help Save the Planet. Instead It Unleashed a Catastrophe.
A decade ago, the U.S. mandated the use of vegetable oil in biofuels, leading to industrial-scale deforestation — and a huge spike in carbon emissions.
Photos: An Indonesian Village That’s Fighting for Its Life
In Bea Nehas, the small plots that homes are built on are in constant jeopardy of being burned to the ground and bulldozed. A sprawling plantation that surrounds the village produces huge volumes of palm oil.
by Ashley Gilbertson, special to ProPublica,
Chad Walde believed in his work at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Then he got a rare brain cancer linked to radiation, and the government denied it had any responsibility.
by Rebecca Moss, Santa Fe New Mexican,
Local Reporting Network
“We Will Keep on Fighting for Him.”
After her 10-year-old was accepted into a clinical drug trial for bipolar disorder, a mother chronicled her family’s experiences. Here is their journey, in their own words.
by Jodi S. Cohen and Logan Jaffe, ,
An acclaimed American charity said it was saving some of the world’s most vulnerable girls from sexual exploitation. Then they were raped, and that was only the beginning.
by Finlay Young for ProPublica,
Standing by Their Convictions
The DNA didn’t match. The witnesses weren’t sure. But the prosecution persisted.
by Christian Sheckler, South Bend Tribune, and Ken Armstrong, ProPublica,
Local Reporting Network