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Can You Fight Poverty With a Five-Star Hotel?
The story of how the World Bank’s investment arm hands out billions in loans to wealthy tycoons and giant multinationals in some of the world’s poorest places.
by ProPublica,
Interior Secretary Moves to Tighten Rules Over Sale of Wild Horses
In response to a ProPublica investigation questioning the disposition of more than 1,700 wild horses purchased by a Colorado man since 2009, the Bureau of Land Management will make it harder for people to purchase large numbers of horses at once.
by ProPublica,
Veterans' Advocate to Congress: Reconstruct Missing War Records
A House subcommittee on veterans' affairs hears from veterans groups after a ProPublica-Seattle Times investigation revealing that dozens of Army units failed to keep sufficient records of operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.
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U.S. House Subcommittee Sets Hearing on Missing War Records
The session follows a ProPublica-Seattle Times investigation revealing that dozens of military units deployed in the war on terror have destroyed or failed to keep field reports of their activities.
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