ProPublica is an independent, nonprofit newsroom that produces investigative journalism with moral force. Learn more.
ProPublica’s Rachel Glickhouse Named Livingston Award Finalist
Rachel Glickhouse, the partner manager for ProPublica’s Documenting Hate project, has been named a finalist in this year’s Livingston Awards, which honor outstanding achievement by journalists under the age of 35.
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ProPublica Wins Two Regional Edward R. Murrow Awards
The Radio Television Digital News Association announced today that ProPublica has won two Regional Edward R. Murrow Awards, honoring outstanding achievements in electronic journalism.
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ProPublica Wins Society of Professional Journalists’ Sigma Delta Chi Award
The Society of Professional Journalists announced today that “Lost Mothers,” a project with NPR, has won the Sigma Delta Chi Award for excellence in journalism.
by ProPublica,
ProPublica Reporter Talia Buford Co-Hosts “Hot Mess,” New PBS Digital Series on Climate Change
PBS Digital Studios launched today its new original YouTube program, “Hot Mess,” dedicated to explaining both the scientific impacts of climate change and how it impacts our daily lives.
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ProPublica/NPR Collaboration a Finalist for the Pulitzer Prize for Explanatory Reporting
The project, "Lost Mothers," is one of nine ProPublica Pulitzer finalists in 10 years of publishing.
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ProPublica Illinois a Finalist for the Pulitzer Prize for Local Reporting
The series is the first Pulitzer Prize finalist for ProPublica Illinois, a nonprofit newsroom that launched just six months ago as ProPublica’s first regional, state-based unit.
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Announcing Our Illinois Reporting Project
We have $40,000 to fund investigative journalism on issues critical to our state. Apply now.
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