Mike Tigas
Mike Tigas was the Lead Product Developer, DevOps and Security at ProPublica. He is also the developer of Tabula, a data extraction tool for PDF files, and Onion Browser, an open source web browser for iOS which uses the Tor anonymity network.
Need to Get in Touch?
Mike Tigas was the Lead Product Developer, DevOps and Security at ProPublica. He also works on tools for online privacy and the liberation of public data. He is a lead developer on Tabula (a data extraction tool for PDF files) and Onion Browser (an anonymizing web browser for iOS). He was a 2013 Knight-Mozilla OpenNews Fellow and previously worked as a newsroom web developer at The Spokesman-Review (Spokane, Washington).
To send him encrypted PGP e-mail, you can use the following public key: 3966 6CC7 46E8 2D6E F94D 3C4A EA15 00E2 9090 861B (0x9090861B)
Zombie Cookie: The Tracking Cookie That You Can't Kill
An online ad company called Turn is using tracking cookies that come back to life after Verizon users have deleted them. Turn's services are used by everyone from Google to Facebook.
by Julia Angwin and Mike Tigas,
Open Payments Explorer: How Much Industry Money Goes to Doctors and Teaching Hospitals
Beginning in 2014, the federal government mandated that pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturers publicly report payments made to doctors and teaching hospitals. The first report covered the last five months of 2013. Use this tool to search for a company, drug or device — and compare it to another.
by Lena V. Groeger, Charles Ornstein, Mike Tigas and Ryann Grochowski Jones,
Everything That's Happened Since Supreme Court Ruled on Voting Rights Act
Ahead of the November midterms, we take stock of the state of voting rights across the country.
by Kara Brandeisky, Hanqing Chen and Mike Tigas,
Leaked Docs Show Spyware Used to Snoop on U.S. Computers
Software created by the controversial U.K. based Gamma Group International was used to spy on computers that appear to be located in the United States.
by Jeff Larson and Mike Tigas,
Why We Removed the Form 990 PDFs From Nonprofit Explorer
Last month, we removed links to download Form 990 document PDFs from our Nonprofit Explorer interactive database.
by Mike Tigas,
Here’s One Way to Land on the NSA’s Watch List
If you downloaded the privacy software Tor in 2011, you may have been flagged to be spied on.
by Julia Angwin and Mike Tigas,
School Segregation After Brown
Hundreds of school districts were placed under court order to desegregate following the Supreme Court’s 1954 Brown v. Board of Education ruling. Many communities do not know the status of these orders. Use this tool to find out whether your district is or ever was under a desegregation order, and also to look at the levels of integration and segregation in your schools.
by Jeff Larson, Mike Tigas and Nikole Hannah-Jones,
What Heartbleed Means for Newsrooms
What newsroom developers can do about the Heartbleed security bug.
by Mike Tigas,
The Price of an Internship
Unpaid internships can help young workers advance their career goals. But they can also vary significantly in cost and quality. Explore college internship programs at different schools across the United States — or tell us about your experience interning for academic credit.
by Blair Hickman, Mike Tigas and Sisi Wei,
How to Send Us Files More Securely
We’ve launched a more secure way for sources to send us sensitive messages and files.
by Mike Tigas,