Melissa Sanchez
I report on immigration and labor, and I am based in Chicago.
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What I Cover
I write about immigrants and low-wage work in the Midwest. In this second Trump administration, I plan to pay attention to deportations, including deportations of people in the criminal justice system. I am based in Chicago.
My Background
After joining ProPublica in 2017, I led a project that examined Chicago’s punitive ticketing and debt collection system; that reporting helped prompt major reforms, including the cancellation of 55,000 driver’s license suspensions and millions of dollars in debt forgiveness. In 2018, I was part of a team of reporters who examined conditions at shelters for unaccompanied immigrant children; some of that reporting was included in a ProPublica series on the impact of President Donald Trump’s zero-tolerance policy that was a finalist for a Pulitzer Prize.
I was among the first reporters to document the growing number of Central American teenagers who work in factories. Most recently, I worked with my colleague Maryam Jameel to examine conditions for immigrant workers on Wisconsin dairy farms; that reporting prompted a federal civil rights investigation and led to the creation of an $8 million fund to build housing for farmworkers. The series was a finalist for an Anthony Shadid Award for Journalism Ethics, among other recognitions.
I previously worked for The Chicago Reporter, Catalyst Chicago, El Nuevo Herald in Miami and the Yakima Herald-Republic in Washington. I am the daughter of immigrants from Mexico and El Salvador and speak Spanish fluently.
Wisconsin’s Dairy Industry Relies on Undocumented Immigrants, but the State Won’t Let Them Legally Drive
Undocumented immigrants in the state can own and register their vehicles, but they aren’t allowed to drive them, forcing many farm workers to risk fines and arrest. “It’s a Catch-22 for a lot of folks,” advocates say.
by Melissa Sanchez and Maryam Jameel,
Oficiales en Wisconsin se plantean hacer el departamento del sheriff más asequible a la gente que no habla inglés
Los planes de cambio vienen tras un reportaje de ProPublica que encontró que la policía malinterpretó como murió un niño nicaragüense en una granja lechera. Mientras tanto la familia del niño ha llegado a un acuerdo en una denuncia contra la granja.
por Melissa Sanchez y Maryam Jameel,
Following the Death of an 8-Year-Old on a Wisconsin Dairy Farm, Officials Look to Bridge Law Enforcement Language Gap
After ProPublica found that a police investigation into a child’s death was mishandled due to language barriers, officials hope to improve how police interact with non-English speakers. Meanwhile, the boy’s family has settled a suit against the farm.
by Melissa Sanchez and Maryam Jameel,
Funcionarios toman medidas para abordar los problemas que enfrentan los trabajadores inmigrantes en las granjas lecheras de Wisconsin
Una investigación de ProPublica demuestra cómo las barreras del idioma contribuyeron a que las autoridades culparan erróneamente a un trabajador de una granja lechera por la muerte de su hijo. Los legisladores responden.
por Melissa Sanchez y Maryam Jameel,
What ProPublica Is Doing About Diversity in 2023
Here is our annual report on the breakdown of our staff and how we’re working to create a more diverse news organization and inclusive journalism community.
by Vianna Davila, Melissa Sanchez, Liz Sharp and Myron Avant,
Officials Move to Address Problems Facing Immigrant Workers on Wisconsin Dairy Farms
A ProPublica investigation showed how language barriers contributed to authorities wrongly blaming a dairy farm worker for his son’s death. Lawmakers have responded.
by Melissa Sanchez and Maryam Jameel,
¿Por qué investigamos la muerte de Jefferson? Carta a nuestros lectores.
Nuestras reporteras explican por qué investigamos la muerte de Jefferson.
por Melissa Sanchez y Maryam Jameel,
Ayúdenos a investigar las condiciones en las granjas lecheras
Necesitamos su colaboración para entender las dificultades que enfrentan los trabajadores en los ranchos.
por Maryam Jameel y Melissa Sanchez,
Help ProPublica Journalists Investigate the Dairy Industry
We need your help to understand the challenges facing dairy farm workers. We especially want to hear from farmers, medical professionals, regulators and anyone else with perspective from inside the community.
by Maryam Jameel and Melissa Sanchez,
Tragedia en una granja lechera
La verdadera historia del niño nicaragüense que murió en un rancho en Wisconsin, y cómo las autoridades se equivocaron al culpar a su padre.
por Melissa Sanchez y Maryam Jameel,