Melissa Sanchez
I report on immigration and labor, and I am based in Chicago.
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What I Cover
I write about immigrants and low-wage work in the Midwest. In this second Trump administration, I plan to pay attention to deportations, including deportations of people in the criminal justice system. I am based in Chicago.
My Background
After joining ProPublica in 2017, I led a project that examined Chicago’s punitive ticketing and debt collection system; that reporting helped prompt major reforms, including the cancellation of 55,000 driver’s license suspensions and millions of dollars in debt forgiveness. In 2018, I was part of a team of reporters who examined conditions at shelters for unaccompanied immigrant children; some of that reporting was included in a ProPublica series on the impact of President Donald Trump’s zero-tolerance policy that was a finalist for a Pulitzer Prize.
I was among the first reporters to document the growing number of Central American teenagers who work in factories. Most recently, I worked with my colleague Maryam Jameel to examine conditions for immigrant workers on Wisconsin dairy farms; that reporting prompted a federal civil rights investigation and led to the creation of an $8 million fund to build housing for farmworkers. The series was a finalist for an Anthony Shadid Award for Journalism Ethics, among other recognitions.
I previously worked for The Chicago Reporter, Catalyst Chicago, El Nuevo Herald in Miami and the Yakima Herald-Republic in Washington. I am the daughter of immigrants from Mexico and El Salvador and speak Spanish fluently.
“Once You’re No Good to Them, They Get Rid of You”
Immigrant workers are essential to Wisconsin’s dairy industry. But when they get injured, they’re often cast aside.
by Maryam Jameel and Melissa Sanchez,
La OSHA rara vez investiga las granjas pequeñas. Por eso los defensores de los obreros no reportan muertes o lesiones.
Un mosaico irregular en la implementación de las normas laborales a través del país significa que muchas muertes y lesiones de los trabajadores en las granjas no son investigadas por oficiales de seguridad del gobierno.
por Melissa Sanchez y Maryam Jameel,
OSHA Investigates Small Dairy Farms So Rarely That Many Worker Advocates Don’t Bother to Report Deaths and Injuries
Worker advocates say the federal agency’s patchwork of enforcement across the country is fundamentally unfair. Many don’t contact OSHA over safety incidents because they’ve heard so frequently that small farms can’t be investigated.
by Melissa Sanchez and Maryam Jameel,
Aprueban $8 millones para viviendas para obreros de granjas. La policía intentará cerrar las brechas lingüísticas.
Funcionarios electos del Condado Dane en Wisconsin dijeron que las reformas responden a la investigación de ProPublica sobre la muerte de un niño nicaragüense en una granja lechera en 2019.
por Melissa Sanchez y Maryam Jameel,
Officials Approve $8 Million for Housing for Immigrant Dairy Workers in Wisconsin
Dane County lawmakers cited ProPublica reporting for the moves to improve the lives of dairy workers in southern Wisconsin.
by Melissa Sanchez and Maryam Jameel,
Los trabajadores de las granjas lecheras de Wisconsin están muriendo. Muchas de las muertes no son investigadas.
A veces la OSHA investiga las muertes en granjas pequeñas si éstas proveen viviendas a los trabajadores inmigrantes. En otras ocasiones, la agencia dice que no puede hacer nada.
por Maryam Jameel y Melissa Sanchez,
Why OSHA Doesn’t Investigate All Dairy Farm Deaths
OSHA sometimes investigates deaths on small farms if they provide housing to immigrant workers. Other times the agency says it can’t take action.
by Maryam Jameel and Melissa Sanchez,
Algunos legisladores y oficiales locales de Wisconsin ahora dicen que quieren permitir a los indocumentados manejar
“Si de repente echáramos a toda esta gente de aquí, los indocumentados, nuestras granjas lecheras colapsarían”, dijo un legislador. “Tenemos que dar con una solución”.
por Melissa Sanchez,
Why Some Wisconsin Lawmakers and Local Officials Have Changed Their Minds About Letting Undocumented Immigrants Drive
“If we suddenly kicked out all of the people here, the undocumented, our dairy farms would collapse,” one lawmaker said. “We have to come up with a solution.”
by Melissa Sanchez,
La industria lechera de Wisconsin depende de los indocumentados, pero el estado les prohíbe tener licencia
Los inmigrantes indocumentados en el estado pueden registrar sus autos, pero no los pueden manejar—lo cual los pone en riesgo de ser multados o arrestados.
por Melissa Sanchez y Maryam Jameel,