Marian Wang
Marian Wang was a reporter for ProPublica, covering education and college debt.
Marian Wang was a reporter for ProPublica, covering education and college debt. She joined ProPublica in 2010, first blogging about a variety of accountability issues. Her later stories focused on how rising college costs and the complexity of the student loan system affect students and their families. Prior to coming to ProPublica, she worked at Mother Jones magazine in San Francisco and freelanced for a number of Chicago-based publications, including The Chicago Reporter, an investigative magazine focused on issues of race and poverty.
As Political Groups Push Envelope, FEC Gridlock Gives ‘De Facto Green Light’
In a new age of more dollars and less disclosure, the FEC’s ongoing stalemate over key areas of campaign finance gives more aggressive political players a chance to push the limits.
by Marian Wang,
MF Global Ad: ‘We Have Convictions’
A recent ad for MF Global, published Saturday, reads a little differently now.
by Marian Wang,
This Week’s Top MuckReads: Cops Committing Crimes and A Shady Marketing Scheme
Our rundown of this week’s best investigative or accountability journalism.
by Braden Goyette and Marian Wang,
As Qaddafi Is Buried, a Look Back at the Complexities and Contradictions of the Libya Mission
The military goal wasn't regime change, but the political goal was. Airstrikes and drones caused bloodshed, but the U.S. said it wasn't engaging in "hostilities." We review the last eight months in Libya.
by Marian Wang,
Email Warned That Bank Up For Bailout Was ‘Disastrous’
Anonymous tip warned Treasury that United Commercial Bank was troubled, but the bank still got almost $300 million. Now the bank has failed and two executives are facing criminal charges.
by Marian Wang and Paul Kiel,
Government Misses Deadline for Rules Forcing Disclosure of Industry Payments to Doctors
The Obama administration has yet to draft rules on the disclosure of industry payments to doctors, missing a deadline set out in last year's health-care law. Drug and device companies, which are required to begin collecting payment data starting next year, are still awaiting such guidance.
by Marian Wang,
This Week’s Top MuckReads: Trouble With Koch Subsidiaries and Drug-Smuggling Guards
Our rundown of this week’s best investigative or accountability journalism.
by Marian Wang,
Rick Perry v. 'Rick Parry': A Study in Pushing Campaign Finance Frontiers
Both Stephen Colbert—who's pretending to support a fake candidate, Rick Parry—and supporters of the real Rick Perry have started nonprofit groups that can channel unlimited donations to super PACs with minimal disclosure.
by Marian Wang,