Marian Wang
Marian Wang was a reporter for ProPublica, covering education and college debt.
Marian Wang was a reporter for ProPublica, covering education and college debt. She joined ProPublica in 2010, first blogging about a variety of accountability issues. Her later stories focused on how rising college costs and the complexity of the student loan system affect students and their families. Prior to coming to ProPublica, she worked at Mother Jones magazine in San Francisco and freelanced for a number of Chicago-based publications, including The Chicago Reporter, an investigative magazine focused on issues of race and poverty.
Video of Journalists' Death Answers Some Questions, but Raises Others
A video that shows an American gunship killing two Reuters journalists in Baghdad yields defense and condemnation, but needs to be considered in light of other killing of civilians.
by Marian Wang,
Preview: Financial Crisis Panel's Huge Task, Small Budget, Unanswered Questions
The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, a 10-person panel tasked with investigating the causes of the financial crisis, begins a second round of public hearings with former Fed chairman Greenspan, ex-Citigroup CEO Chuck Prince and former Citi chairman (and Treasury secretary) Robert Rubin.
by Marian Wang,
Companies Gain the Upper Hand in Their Auditing Relationships
A report says that companies are now firing their auditors more frequently, demanding more services and managing their relationships -- and fees -- more than in the past, when auditors seemed to always have the upper hand.
by Marian Wang,
Geithner's Letter Shows Opposition to Fixed Capital Requirements In Reform Bill
In a letter sent last January, Treasury Secretary Geithner indicates his opposition to fixed capital requirements in financial reform legislation. He favors capital requirements to prevent problems like those that sunk Lehman Brothers, but doesn't want a numerical requirement written into the law.
by Marian Wang,
March Statistics Send Mixed Messages on Economy
Unemployment held steady at 9.7 percent in March, 162,000 jobs were added. But in the same month, U.S. bankruptcy filings reached their highest since 2005, with 158,141 America consumers and businesses filing for bankruptcy.
by Marian Wang,
Investigations You Need to Read: Friday
Among Friday's investigations: Pfizer paid $35 million to doctors and medical centers to consult on its behalf, and retired military officers will now have to disclose their business ties with defense contractors.
by Marian Wang,