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Marian Wang

Marian Wang was a reporter for ProPublica, covering education and college debt.

Marian Wang was a reporter for ProPublica, covering education and college debt. She joined ProPublica in 2010, first blogging about a variety of accountability issues. Her later stories focused on how rising college costs and the complexity of the student loan system affect students and their families. Prior to coming to ProPublica, she worked at Mother Jones magazine in San Francisco and freelanced for a number of Chicago-based publications, including The Chicago Reporter, an investigative magazine focused on issues of race and poverty.

Primer: Regulators Negotiate Capital Rules to Force Banks Off Their Tippy-Toes

For-Profit Colleges’ Latest Lesson to Students: How to Fight Stricter Regulation of Schools

Feds Sue Arizona Sheriff in Civil Rights Investigation

The controversial sheriff of Maricopa County, Ariz., is being sued by the feds, who say he isn’t cooperating with an investigation into whether he discriminates against Hispanics. It’s the third suit the Justice Department has filed over Arizona’s immigration policies.

Oil Sheen Reported After Another Rig Explodes in Gulf of Mexico

Another oil rig has exploded in the Gulf of Mexico, resulting in a mile-long oil sheen. While the rig is smaller and any potential for damage less than the BP spill, it still raises more questions about offshore oil operations.

Moody’s Escapes SEC Lawsuit, Now Moves to Shield Itself From Liability

As the major ratings agencies become a focus of more scrutiny from financial regulators, they are seeking to protect themselves from liability when they issue erroneous ratings.

The To-Do List Gets Longer for House Ethics Investigators

Long: The Office of Congressional Ethics recommends further investigation of Reps. John Campbell, Tom Price and Joseph Crowley. The House ethics committee will decide whether to add the cases to its growing docket.

Koch Industries Fought the Health Care Law, But Sought Funds From It

FDA's Findings on Salmonella-Linked Egg Farms: Mice, Maggots, Manure

After a salmonella outbreak, Food and Drug Administration inspectors find plentiful problems on two Iowa egg farms. The agency has begun inspections of all of the country's largest egg farms.

Send Us Your Questions on Our Investigation of Banks' Self-Dealing

Justice Dept: No Charges Coming Soon Against Prisoner Who Was Waterboarded

Prosecutors have hit a wall in their case against Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, who is accused of masterminding the bombing of the USS Cole. Al-Nashiri, believed to be a close associate of Osama bin Laden, was waterboarded while in CIA custody