Marian Wang
Marian Wang was a reporter for ProPublica, covering education and college debt.
Marian Wang was a reporter for ProPublica, covering education and college debt. She joined ProPublica in 2010, first blogging about a variety of accountability issues. Her later stories focused on how rising college costs and the complexity of the student loan system affect students and their families. Prior to coming to ProPublica, she worked at Mother Jones magazine in San Francisco and freelanced for a number of Chicago-based publications, including The Chicago Reporter, an investigative magazine focused on issues of race and poverty.
Read: Not-so-Secret ‘Secrets’ the Pentagon Paid Thousands to Destroy
The Defense Department paid thousands to destroy copies of a war memoir before it was redacted. But unredacted copies still exist--read a few pages to see the "secrets" that lie within.
by Marian Wang,
GMAC's 'Robo-Signers' Draw Concerns About Faulty Process, Mistaken Foreclosures
“Robo-signers,” employees at mortgage servicers that sign thousands of foreclosure documents without review, have brought attention to long-running problems with the foreclosure process.
by Marian Wang,
PA State Police: Intelligence Bulletins Were ‘Unsubstantiated,’ Work of 'Amateurs’
For months, leaders in the Pennsylvania State Police raised concerns about state intelligence bulletins, which flagged an array of activist groups — and opponents of gas drilling — as potential threats to state infrastructure.
by Marian Wang,
Despite Safety Concerns at Texas Refinery, U.S. Won't Revoke BP Probation
Despite the Justice Department's earlier warning that BP could get its probation revoked, documents show the department giving the company additional time to come into full compliance with a settlement agreement following its fatal 2005 refinery accident.
by Marian Wang,
Watch: U.S. Soldier Describes Shooting Afghan Civilians on Tapes That his Lawyer Contests
The first of five soldiers accused of shooting three Afghan civilians as part of a "kill team" is facing a military judge today.
by Marian Wang,
Millions Were Misspent by Arizona Sheriff’s Office Facing Federal Lawsuit, Officials Say
Officials in Maricopa County, Ariz., say its controversial sheriff, Joe Arpaio, misspent between $60 million and $80 million in funds. Money meant for jails, for example, was spent on salaries for deputies, the officials say.
by Marian Wang,
Troubles Plague Top Job at Pentagon Office Overseeing Brain Injuries
Col. Robert Saum, the director of the Pentagon's program to oversee the treatment of troops with brain injuries, has been transferred pending investigation into an an employee's accusations that he made unwanted sexual advances and created a hostile work environment.
by Marian Wang,
New Health Care Provisions Go Into Effect This Week, But Read the Fine Print
The health care bill, now six months old, has several provisions going into effect this week, but the law's complexity, actions by insurers, and the political back-and-forth have consumers unsure.
by Marian Wang,