Marian Wang
Marian Wang was a reporter for ProPublica, covering education and college debt.
Marian Wang was a reporter for ProPublica, covering education and college debt. She joined ProPublica in 2010, first blogging about a variety of accountability issues. Her later stories focused on how rising college costs and the complexity of the student loan system affect students and their families. Prior to coming to ProPublica, she worked at Mother Jones magazine in San Francisco and freelanced for a number of Chicago-based publications, including The Chicago Reporter, an investigative magazine focused on issues of race and poverty.
As Deportations Increase, So Have Officials’ Attempts to Deport the Wrong People
New data show that in recent months, immigration judges have rejected almost a third of all deportation cases brought by Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
by Marian Wang,
Most Doctors Take Industry Perks, New Survey Shows
About 84 percent of doctors who responded to a nationwide survey reported having some type of relationship with pharmaceutical or medical device companies in 2009.
by Marian Wang,
Spill Panel: Driven by 'Compulsion' to Finish Well, BP’s Procedures Increased Risk
The national commission investigating BP’s Deepwater Horizon disaster cleared the company of accusations that it prioritized profit over safety, but also questioned the company’s “compulsion” to finish the well, finding that its procedures “introduced additional risk.”
by Marian Wang,
Fed Panel on BP Decision-Making: "More Complicated" Than Sacrificing Safety for Cost
Workers drilling BP's well in the Gulf never made a "conscious decision" to prioritize profits over safety, according to the presidential panel investigating the spill.
by Marian Wang,
Despite Warnings From States, Federal Regulators Failed to Act on Foreclosure Problems
The federal government, warned years prior of potential problems with banks' foreclosure operations, failed to act, according to The Washington Post. Now, they're leaving it to the states fix the mess.
by Marian Wang,
Want to Earn $10-12 an Hour? Be a ‘Foreclosure Department Supervisor’
Faced with criticism of their foreclosure processes, banks and other foreclosure firms have been hiring, but are their new hires any more qualified to handle foreclosures? We review some recent job listings.
by Marian Wang,
Meet the Likely House Committee Chairs—Who Promise to Roll Back 'Job-Killing' Regs
Election-night gains by House Republicans will mean new leadership for powerful House committees. We've highlighted a few lawmakers likely to take on these new roles.
by Marian Wang,
We Want to Know the Darndest Things You Heard on Election Night
ProPublica's Tumblr is taking your submissions for ironic or interesting things you heard officials say on election night.
by Marian Wang,
What Elections Could Do For the Foreclosure Crisis, FinReg, and Other Issues We're Watching
We parse how today’s election results could affect issues like the recent foreclosure scandal, financial regulation, and health care.
by Marian Wang,