Lena V. Groeger
Lena V. Groeger is the graphics director at ProPublica, where she oversees a team of interactive visual storytellers who create information graphics and graphical stories.
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Lena V. Groeger is the graphics director at ProPublica, where she oversees a team of interactive visual storytellers who create information graphics and graphical stories. She has been recognized for her work through numerous awards, including the Malofiej Awards for Infographics and the Society for News Design awards. She has taught classes on design and data visualization at New York University, The New School and City University of New York, and she’s a founding member of the Data Institute, a two-week workshop where journalists learn about design, data and code.
Prior to joining ProPublica in 2011, she covered health and science at Scientific American and Wired magazine. She has a degree in science journalism from NYU.
Temp Worker Regulations Around the World
The United States has some of the weakest labor protections for temp workers in the developed world. Here, we map out how countries compare based on data compiled by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
by Lena V. Groeger and Michael Grabell,
ER Wait Watcher
Which emergency room will see you the fastest? We've got a handy guide for impatient outpatients.
by Lena V. Groeger, Mike Tigas and Sisi Wei,
How Long Will You Wait at the Emergency Room?
How long you wait at the ER matters a lot. Our new interactive news application lets you see travel and wait times at hospital ERs near you.
by Lena V. Groeger,
Why Develop in the Newsroom?
If you’re a software developer looking to make more of a social impact with your talents, there are plenty of exciting opportunities for you to break into the field of journalism! But what’s it like?
by Sisi Wei, Jeremy B. Merrill, Lena V. Groeger, Mike Tigas and Stephen Suen,
Design Principles for News Apps & Graphics
How to apply classic design principles to your newfangled interactive graphics and apps.
by Lena V. Groeger,
Prescriber Checkup
Medicare’s popular prescription-drug program serves more than 42 million people and pays for more than one of every four prescriptions written nationwide. Use this tool to find and compare doctors and other providers in Part D in 2015.
by Jeff Larson, Charles Ornstein, Jennifer LaFleur, Lena V. Groeger and Tracy Weber,
What Happened to the Gun Bill?
The Senate defeated several amendments to the proposed gun control bill, with only two amendments reaching the 60 votes necessary to pass. We break down how senators voted.
by Lena V. Groeger,
Where Congress Stands on Guns
Four months after the Newtown tragedy, the Senate resoundingly defeats gun control legislation. We break down how Senators voted on the bill.
by Lena V. Groeger,