Kim Barker
Kim Barker was a reporter at ProPublica covering "dark money" and campaign finance, as well as the aftermath of the BP oil spill.
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Kim Barker was a reporter covering campaign finance and the aftermath of the BP oil spill; her stories have run in outlets such as The Washington Post, The Atlantic and Salon. She specialized in "dark money," or social welfare nonprofits that do not report their donors for election ads. In late 2009 and early 2010, Barker was the Edward R. Murrow Press Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York, where she studied, wrote and lectured on Pakistan and Afghanistan and U.S. policy. She was the South Asia bureau chief for the Chicago Tribune from 2004 to 2009 and was based in New Delhi and Islamabad. At the Tribune, Barker covered major stories such as the assassination of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto and rising militancy in both Pakistan and Afghanistan. Her book about those years, "The Taliban Shuffle: Strange Days in Afghanistan and Pakistan," was published by Doubleday in March 2011.
Dark Money Poured Into New Mexico Senate Contest
An analysis of newly available TV station political ad files shows how groups that don’t have to report their donors played a major role in one race for an open U.S. Senate seat
by Kim Barker and Justin Elliott,
Flood of Secret Campaign Cash: It’s Not All Citizens United
The Internal Revenue Service, the Federal Elections Commission and Congress have all played a role in the emergence of undisclosed contributions in the 2012 elections.
by Stephen Engelberg and Kim Barker,
No Tax Returns for You, Dark Money Groups Say
Some politically oriented social-welfare nonprofits dodged ProPublica’s requests for IRS filings or refused to provide them as required
by Kim Barker,
Dark Money: Methodology
How we calculated the numbers in our Dark Money application.
by Kim Barker,
How Nonprofits Spend Millions on Elections and Call it Public Welfare
Some tax-exempt groups underreported their political activities in 2010 to the IRS, ProPublica finds, using tactics that are being used to pour dark money into campaigns on an even larger scale this year.
by Kim Barker,
How Some Nonprofit Groups Funnel Dark Money Into Campaigns
Explore how tax-exempt groups active in the 2010 election spent millions of dollars on campaigns, sometimes reporting less political spending to the Internal Revenue Service than they did to election officials.
by Kim Barker and Al Shaw,
Two Dark Money Groups Outspending All Super PACs Combined
Karl Rove's Crossroads GPS and Americans for Prosperity, a group backed by the Koch brothers, have put almost $60 million so far into ads to influence the presidential race, an analysis of new spending estimates shows.
by Kim Barker,
Donations to Scott Walker Flagged as Potential Fraud
A woman in upstate New York is surprised to find a contribution to the Wisconsin governor's campaign on her credit card.
by Kim Barker,
Read the Tax Returns From Karl Rove’s ‘Dark Money’ Group (Donors Still a Mystery)
The returns for nonprofit Crossroads GPS are the first glimpse of how much the group, which has spent millions on political ads, raised in 2010 and 2011.
by Kim Barker,
The Return of CREEP
New FEC filings show 324 super PACs, including 159 with money and one named for the infamous fundraising committee embroiled in the Watergate scandal
by Kim Barker,