Ken Schwencke
Ken Schwencke is the senior editor for data and news applications and is in charge of ProPublica’s data journalism.
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Ken Schwencke is the senior editor for data and news applications and is in charge of ProPublica’s data journalism. He has been with ProPublica since 2016, where he has worked on our award-winning Electionland project, ran our database of nonprofit data and reported on LGBTQ issues and white supremacists. Previously, he worked on The New York Times’ interactive news team and the Los Angeles Times’ data desk. He has a journalism degree from the University of Florida.
Across the Country, Reports of Swastika Graffiti
Browse examples of anti-Semitic graffiti collected as part of our “Documenting Hate” project.
by Ken Schwencke,
In an Angry and Fearful Nation, an Outbreak of Anti-Semitism
ProPublica’s Documenting Hate project recorded more than 330 reports of anti-Semitic incidents during a three-month span, from early November to early February.
by A.C. Thompson and Ken Schwencke,
Map: Bomb Threats to Jewish Community Centers and Organizations
A timeline of bomb threats against Jewish Community Centers and other organizations
by Ken Schwencke and Al Shaw,
Tracking Evictions and Rent Stabilization in NYC
We’ve mapped more than 450,000 New York City eviction cases filed between January 2013 and June 2015. Look up your building to see its recent eviction cases and whether it may be rent-stabilized.
by Sisi Wei, Cezary Podkul, Ken Schwencke and Lena V. Groeger,
In An Ugly Election Result, Hate Surges Online
Has Trump emboldened extremists? Some disquieting early returns.
by A.C. Thompson and Ken Schwencke,
Hate Crimes Are Up — But the Government Isn’t Keeping Good Track of Them
There is considerable anxiety about the potential for violence after a bitter national election. The data kept on hate crimes won’t reassure anyone.
by A.C. Thompson and Ken Schwencke,
How Are Elections Run in Your County?
One way to predict how the 2016 election will run is to look at how things went the last time we elected a president.
by Ken Schwencke and Derek Willis,
Election DataBot
This new tool, updated every 15 minutes, collects huge amounts of election data and reports the most interesting details, in real time, about campaign finance filings, congressional votes, polls, forecasts, Google search trends, and more.
by Ken Schwencke, Derek Willis and Lena V. Groeger,