Kavitha Surana
Kavitha Surana is a reporter at ProPublica.
Need to Get in Touch?
Kavitha Surana is a reporter at ProPublica.
The Hunted
What happens when you say no to MS-13.
by Kavitha Surana and Hannah Dreier,
Even in Philadelphia, One of the Most Determined Sanctuary Cities, Refuge Is Elusive
The city has wielded policy to fight back against Trump and ICE, but in the background, some public employees have quietly cooperated with immigration enforcement agents.
by David Gambacorta, The Philadelphia Inquirer, and Kavitha Surana, ProPublica,
Authorities Can Now Deny Visa and Green Card Applications Without Giving Applicants a Chance to Fix Errors
Immigration lawyers call the policy change, which kicks in today, another brick in Trump’s “invisible wall” to make legal immigration as difficult as possible.
by Kavitha Surana,
Recuperó a su bebé del centro de acogida de inmigración. Y, ¿ahora qué?
Una madre indocumentada volvió a encontrarse con su hija. Las primeras treinta y seis horas fueron una combinación de alegría, preguntas acerca de su separación e inquietudes acerca del futuro.
por Kavitha Surana,
She Got Her Baby Back From Immigration Foster Care. Now What?
An undocumented mother was reunited with her daughter. The first 36 hours brought a mix of joy, questions about the separation and worries about the future.
by Kavitha Surana,
Una bebé fue separada de su tío en la frontera. Tres meses después, su madre todavía está tratando de recuperarla.
El caso de Liah Ferrera Amaya muestra el exhaustivo proceso de revisión al que las familias inmigrantes deben someterse para recuperar a sus hijos de la custodia de los EEUU — incluso si eso significa arriesgarse a la deportación.
por Kavitha Surana,
A Baby Was Separated From Her Uncle at the Border. Three Months Later, Her Mother Is Still Trying to Get Her Back.
The case of Liah Ferrera Amaya shows the extensive vetting immigrant families must submit to in order to retrieve their children from U.S. custody — even if it means putting themselves at risk for deportation.
by Kavitha Surana,
“Solo quiero decirle que lo amo”
Los padres recluidos en centros de detención migratoria sin sus hijos dicen que los teléfonos apenas funcionan y aún no saben cuándo volverán a ver a sus hijos, casi dos semanas después de que la administración Trump declarara que puso fin a la separación familiar en la frontera.
por Kavitha Surana,
“I Just Want to Tell My Son I Love Him”
Parents held in immigration detention without their kids say the phones barely work and they still don’t know when they will see their children again, almost two weeks after the Trump administration declared it ended family separation at the border.
by Kavitha Surana,
Here’s What It’s Like to Work at a Shelter for Immigrant Kids
Some facilities are so overstretched, employees often wait hours for a break to go to the bathroom.
by Kavitha Surana and Robert Faturechi,