Kate Rabinowitz
Kate Rabinowitz is a data fellow at ProPublica.
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Kate Rabinowitz is a data fellow at ProPublica. She previously worked as an economist at the U.S. Treasury Department and founded a data journalism website about Washington, D.C. Kate co-organizes Code for DC and Tech Lady Hackathon. She has master’s and bachelor’s degrees in economics from Boston University.
American Voting Machines Are Old and Vulnerable, But Who Will Pay for New Ones?
The main threat to American voting machines may not be hacking, but old age.
by Mac Schneider, Vox, and Kate Rabinowitz, special to ProPublica,
Election Security a High Priority — Until It Comes to Paying for New Voting Machines
Local election administrators across the country face new problems and threats. But their budgets for new voting equipment remain inadequate.
by Kate Rabinowitz,
Walking While Black in Jacksonville
Jacksonville’s enforcement of pedestrian violations raises concerns that it’s another example of racial profiling.
by Topher Sanders and Kate Rabinowitz, ProPublica, and Benjamin Conarck, The Florida Times-Union [Jacksonville],
How (Not) to Cross the Street in Jacksonville
The city’s population is 29 percent black, but black pedestrians received 55 percent of the pedestrian tickets issued from 2012 to July 2017. Looking at each type of ticket issued reveals even bigger disparities.
by Hilary Fung, Kate Rabinowitz, and Topher Sanders, ProPublica, and Benjamin Conarck, The Florida Times-Union [Jacksonville],
How We Calculated the Risks of Walking While Black
by Kate Rabinowitz and Topher Sanders, ProPublica, and Benjamin Conarck, The Florida Times-Union [Jacksonville],
‘Partisan’ Gerrymandering Is Still About Race
The Wisconsin case before the Supreme Court claims to be about partisanship. But race is a factor in this case and many others nationwide.
by Olga Pierce and Kate Rabinowitz,