Karen Weise
Karen Weise was an intern at ProPublica and a recipient of the Mark Felt Scholarship for Investigative Reporting at UC Berkeley's Graduate School of Journalism.
Karen Weise was an intern at ProPublica and a recipient of the Mark Felt Scholarship for Investigative Reporting at UC Berkeley's Graduate School of Journalism. She has worked in public radio and as a researcher for PBS/Frontline. She has freelanced for Marketplace, The World, The San Jose Mercury News and others and was a finalist for an Investigative Reporting and Editors award. She came to journalism from a business background after graduating cum laude from Yale University.
A Reading List to Put the WikiLeaks 'War Logs' in Context
The WikiLeaks documents on the war in Afghanistan provide a closer look at Pakistan, civilian casualities and other long-building issues.
by Nicholas Kusnetz and Karen Weise,
Resources for Investigating Investor Restrictions on Mortgage Modifications
Our guide on how to investigate the investors' contract that governs your mortgage.
by Karen Weise,
When Denying Loan Mods, Loan Servicers Often Wrongly Blame Investors
Homeowners who are refused mortgage modifications are sometimes given a reason that is false. Some loan servicers say that mortgage investors won’t allow the modification, but that is seldom the case.
by Karen Weise,
In Financial Regulation Bill, Increased Transparency for Loan Mod Program
The formula for testing homeowners’ eligibility for a mortgage modification will not be a secret anymore. The Treasury Department will now have to post the details online.
by Paul Kiel and Karen Weise,
Fried Chicken, Krispy Kreme and Lobbying
The Office of Congressional Ethics is looking into a series of fundraisers leading up to House action on financial reform last December.
by Karen Weise,
Identifying Suspicious Short Selling, But Not Who's Behind the Trades
A new study suggests that hedge funds may be trading on insider information about companies they are lending money to. But a lack of regulation of hedge funds and short selling makes it hard to know who is involved in the trades.
by Karen Weise,
Reporters Look Into PSI’s Influence and Problems in Virginia
Psychiatric Solutions Inc., a big donor to governors in Virginia, may have gotten special treatment from state officials. In one case, the state mental-health commissioner blocked an effort to downgrade the license of one facility.
by Karen Weise,
Treasury's 'Point Man' on AIG Bailout That Benefited Goldman, Owned Goldman Stock
According to the New York Times, the Treasury's 'point man' on the AIG bailout, which resulted in billions of dollars for Goldman, also owned stock in the investment bank. He was also Goldman's former CFO.
by Karen Weise,
Q & A: Former SEC Chairman Sees Financial Reform as Changes on the Margins
Arthur Levitt, the former head of the Securities and Exchange Commission, discusses his view that Congress’ financial reform legislation does little to protect investors. And he says consumer protection measures are not as strong as they should be.
by Karen Weise,