Jeremy Kutner
Jeremy Kutner is general counsel at ProPublica, where he provides legal advice on the organization’s full range of activities, with emphasis on its newsroom.
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Jeremy Kutner is general counsel at ProPublica, where he provides legal advice on the organization’s full range of activities, with emphasis on its newsroom. He has litigated cases involving libel, freedom of information laws, subpoenas seeking testimony from reporters about sources, and access to sealed documents. Prior to joining ProPublica as deputy general counsel in 2018, Kutner practiced media law at Ballard Spahr (formerly Levine, Sullivan, Koch & Schulz), and was a First Amendment Fellow at The New York Times. He has also worked as a freelance journalist, with his writing from around the world appearing in outlets including the Times, HuffPost and The Christian Science Monitor. He graduated from Yale Law School and Yale University.
To Hold the Government Accountable, We Need to Know What It’s Doing. That’s Why We’re Tracking PPP Data.
When Congress earmarked hundreds of billions of dollars for the Paycheck Protection Program, ProPublica believed the public had a right to know how the money was being spent. A federal judge agreed.
by Jeremy Kutner,