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Jannis Brühl

Jannis Brühl was an Arthur F. Burns Fellow at ProPublica.

Jannis Brühl was an Arthur F. Burns Fellow at ProPublica. In Germany, he works mostly for Sü in Munich, the online edition of the national daily Süddeutsche Zeitung. He has worked as an editor and as an economics writer covering a wide range of topics from the Euro crisis to the arms trade to the growing market power of Amazon in Germany. Jannis studied political science and American cultural studies at university in Germany and as a graduate student at Portland State University.

Where Did Syria’s Chemical Weapons Come From?

There is intriguing evidence pointing at long-ago help from Moscow, and help from Western European countries.

A Closer Look

Why NSA Snooping Is Bigger Deal in Germany

In Germany, furor over the NSA revelations is much bigger than in the U.S. Why do Germans fear Big Brother so much?