Jack Gillum
Jack Gillum was a reporter at ProPublica based in Washington, D.C., covering technology and privacy.
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Jack Gillum was previously a reporter at ProPublica based in Washington, D.C., covering technology and privacy.
Gillum came to ProPublica from The Washington Post, where he was part of the investigative team that dug into mismanaged taxpayer funds and troubled relief efforts in Puerto Rico. Prior to the Post, Gillum was an investigative reporter at The Associated Press, where he broke stories on the existence and location of Hillary Clinton’s private email server, as well as a U.S.-backed “Cuban Twitter” program that secretly mined data for political purposes. At the AP, he also covered two presidential races and the world of campaign finance.
Gillum began his career as a business reporter and database specialist at the Arizona Daily Star in Tucson, his hometown. He is a graduate of Columbia University's graduate school of journalism and Santa Clara University in California.
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How Facebook Undermines Privacy Protections for Its 2 Billion WhatsApp Users
WhatsApp assures users that no one can see their messages — but the company has an extensive monitoring operation and regularly shares personal information with prosecutors.
by Peter Elkind, Jack Gillum and Craig Silverman,
Senator Says Censorship in Turkey Raises “Serious Questions” About Facebook's Commitment to Free Expression
After ProPublica reported that Facebook blocked a militia group targeted by Turkish forces, the chair of the Senate Finance Committee demanded that Mark Zuckerberg provide answers to more than a dozen questions.
by Jack Gillum,
America’s Drinking Water Is Surprisingly Easy to Poison
The cyberbreach at a plant in Oldsmar, Florida, which could have resulted in a mass poisoning, was a reminder of a disturbing reality: Despite a decade of warnings, thousands of water systems around the country are still at risk.
by Peter Elkind and Jack Gillum,
Top Facebook Execs Silenced Enemy of Turkey to Prevent Hit to Company’s Business
Amid a 2018 Turkish military campaign, Facebook ultimately sided with Turkey’s demand to block the page of a mostly Kurdish militia. “I am fine with this,” Sandberg wrote.
by Jack Gillum and Justin Elliott,
The U.S. Spent $2.2 Million on a Cybersecurity System That Wasn’t Implemented
The software company SolarWinds unwittingly allowed hackers’ code into thousands of federal computers. A cybersecurity system called in-toto, which the government paid to develop but never required, might have protected against this.
by Peter Elkind and Jack Gillum,
“This Is War”: Inside the Secret Chat Where Far-Right Extremists Devised Their Post-Capitol Plans
Chats from a private Telegram group obtained by ProPublica show how a suspect tied to the Jan. 6 insurrection tried to organize a self-styled militia. The hidden proliferation of such groups worries experts.
by Logan Jaffe and Jack Gillum,
New Video Details Tense Moments as Capitol Mob Sought Out Lawmakers
New video, found in an archive of data uploaded to Parler, includes a fresh look at the mob’s confrontation with Eugene Goodman, the officer credited for luring rioters away from senators during the early moments of the Capitol riot.
by Jack Gillum, video by Lucas Waldron and Maya Eliahou,
Al menos 800,000 residentes de estados clave recibieron robocalls pidiéndoles que se “quedaran en casa” el día de las elecciones. El FBI está investigando.
Una empresa que rastrea las llamadas automatizadas, conocidas en inglés como *robocalls*, dijo que se hicieron más de tres millones de llamadas el 3 de noviembre que contenían un mensaje críptico, instando a la gente a “permanecer seguros y quedarse en casa". Las tácticas se suman a otras que buscan confundir a los votantes en este ciclo electoral.
por Jack Gillum, ProPublica y Jeremy B. Merrill for ProPublica,
Robocalls Told at Least 800,000 Swing State Residents to “Stay Home” on Election Day. The FBI Is Investigating.
A firm that tracks robocalls said more than 3 million calls were made on Nov. 3, which contained a cryptic message instructing people to “stay safe and stay home.” The tactics join other efforts to confuse voters this election cycle.
by Jack Gillum, ProPublica, and Jeremy B. Merrill for ProPublica,
Electionland de ProPublica: El estado del Día de las Elecciones de 2020
En una elección histórica marcada por una pandemia, el voto por correo y la desinformación, los funcionarios electorales se esfuerzan por adaptarse. Esto es lo que los reporteros nacionales de ProPublica están viendo en todo el país. El artículo será actualizado a lo largo del día
por Caroline Chen, Jack Gillum, Derek Willis, Isaac Arnsdorf, Maryam Jameel, Jessica Huseman y Ryan McCarthy,