Eva Ruth Moravec
6-Year-Old Separated From His Father Tells Judge He Wants to Go Home
The Salvadoran boy who appeared alone in immigration court last month returned this week with his father’s lawyer in tow. The law puts the decision to return to his family in his small hands.
by Eva Ruth Moravec for ProPublica,
Un encausado se presenta solo al tribunal de inmigración. Tiene 6 años de edad.
Wilder Hilario Maldonado Cabrera fue el compareciente más joven de la lista de casos juveniles de ese día; también era uno de los últimos menores que aún seguía bajo custodia del gobierno en virtud de haber sido afectado por la política de cero tolerancia.
por Eva Ruth Moravec, en reporte especial para ProPublica, junto con Ginger Thompson, ProPublica,
A Defendant Shows Up in Immigration Court by Himself. He’s 6.
Wilder Hilario Maldonado Cabrera was the youngest defendant on the juvenile docket that day, and he was one of the last children left in government custody who had been affected by the zero-tolerance policy.
by Eva Ruth Moravec, special to ProPublica, and Ginger Thompson, ProPublica,