Cynthia Gordy Giwa
Cynthia Gordy Giwa was ProPublica’s marketing director.
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Cynthia Gordy Giwa was ProPublica’s marketing director. She came to ProPublica after serving as deputy communications director for Advancement Project, where she developed comprehensive media campaigns for the national civil rights organization and local partners. With an emphasis on using strategic communications as an effective tool for policy change, she managed public awareness efforts that helped move Virginia to restore voting rights for people with felony convictions, pushed Florida lawmakers to abandon legislation that would have restricted voting access for language minorities, and brought North Carolina’s multi-issue “Moral Mondays” movement to national attention.
Cynthia previously worked in journalism for nearly a decade, as a White House correspondent and news editor for Essence magazine, as well as senior political correspondent for The Root. Recognized by the National Association of Black Journalists as the 2009 Emerging Journalist of the Year, her work has also appeared in The Washington Post, Slate and NPR.
How to “Follow the Money” in a Political Campaign
Campaign contributions can be a confusing web of super PACs, FEC filings and dark money. That’s why we’re covering how campaign finance works in this edition of our User’s Guide to Democracy.
by Karim Doumar and Cynthia Gordy Giwa,
How to Follow Your Congressional and Local Elections in 2022
From competitiveness ratings to campaign contributions, there’s a lot to follow in local and down-ballot elections. Learn how to decipher election coverage in this edition of the User’s Guide to Democracy.
by Karim Doumar and Cynthia Gordy Giwa,
How to Outsmart Election Disinformation
The 2022 midterms are here, and so too is a wave of concerning new mis- and disinformation trends. Here’s how to tell the two apart — and what you and your loved ones can do to avoid falling for them.
by Karim Doumar and Cynthia Gordy Giwa,
Who Is My Member of Congress? Here’s How to Find Out What Your Reps Have Been Up To.
Your representative is on the ballot in 2022 and your senator may be too. Here are some ways to see what your elected officials have been up to — as well as some background on how lawmaking works (and what it looks like when it doesn’t).
by Karim Doumar and Cynthia Gordy Giwa,
How to Vote in Person or by Mail
Keep up with the latest changes to the voting process in your state for the 2022 elections, and make a plan if you want to cast your ballot early — either in person or by mail.
by Karim Doumar and Cynthia Gordy Giwa,
What Does the 2022 Election Mean for You?
Get ready for the midterm elections with our User’s Guide to Democracy.
by Karim Doumar and Cynthia Gordy Giwa,
How to “Follow the Money” in an Election
You don’t have to be a journalist or investigator to see who is funding who when it comes to U.S. politics, especially during an election year. Here are some ways to see what’s at play in the national and local races that matter to you.
Cómo seguir la pista del dinero en una elección
No hay que ser periodista o investigador para averiguar quién financia a quién cuando se trata de la política estadounidense, especialmente durante un año electoral. Conozca algunas maneras de ver lo que está en juego en las elecciones nacionales y locales que le interesan.
por Cynthia Gordy Giwa,
How to Follow a Local Political Race
While the presidential race has a tendency to hog the spotlight, there’s plenty more at stake every election year. Here’s help with understanding local races, and how to learn more about the candidates on your local ballot.
Cómo seguir una contienda política local
Aunque la elección presidencial tiende a acaparar la atención, hay mucho más en juego cada año electoral. Aquí le ayudamos a entender las contiendas locales, y cómo saber más acerca de los candidatos en su boleta local.
por Cynthia Gordy Giwa,