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Blake Paterson

Blake Paterson is the reporting fellow for ProPublica’s Electionland project.

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Blake Paterson is the reporting fellow for ProPublica’s Electionland project. He graduated from Harvard University, where he studied history and economics. Blake was previously an intern at Politico, the Houston Chronicle and Fox News Sunday.

Oops, We Forgot to Plug In the Voting Machine

A few problems are emerging early on Election Day, but one expert said voters “should exhaust all remedies before agreeing to leave.”

Early Voting Brought a Surge of Voters. What Will Election Day Bring?

“There are two scenarios: One is that it’s been an unprecedented number of early voters, and the next is that it’s an equally historic Election Day,” a political science professor said.

Our Electionland Project Is Tracking Voting Problems — and Getting Results

We’ve created a virtual newsroom of hundreds of journalists, and we’ve been working for months.

ICE, Dispelling Rumors, Says It Won’t Patrol Polling Places

False claims that Immigration and Customs Enforcement is interfering at polling locations have cropped up intermittently over the past two years.

Reports of Voter Intimidation at Polling Places in Texas

Election official in Dallas County says it’s the worst she’s seen in decades.

Democratic Mailer in Texas Referred to Attorney General’s Office

A voter-registration form sent by the party had a pre-checked response indicating the person filling it out was a U.S. citizen, though that wasn’t true for everybody who received it.

Voter Purges: What Georgians Heading to the Polls Need to Know

Recent news casts doubt on whether some voters in the state will be able to cast a ballot when they show up on Election Day.

Bipartisan Furor as North Carolina Election Law Shrinks Early Voting Locations by Almost 20 Percent

Nearly half of the state’s counties are shutting down polling places, in part because of a law passed in June.

Agency Takes Back Instructions to Residents in Brooklyn Housing Project to Stay Home on Primary Day

Fund Meant to Protect Elections May Be Too Little, Too Late

The federal government has released data on how states will spend $380 million set aside for election infrastructure. But questions remain about how much it will help secure the 2018 election.