Becca Savransky
Idaho creó un fondo de $25 millones para reparar escuelas en mal estado. ¿Por qué nadie lo utiliza?
Hace aproximadamente una década, un distrito escolar acudió al estado en busca de fondos para reparar sus edificios en ruinas y obtuvo una fracción de lo que pidió. Desde entonces, ningún otro distrito ha hecho siquiera una solicitud.
por Becca Savransky, Idaho Statesman, fotografía por Sarah A. Miller, Idaho Statesman,
Local Reporting Network
Idaho Created a $25 Million Fund to Fix Unsafe Schools. Why Is Nobody Using It?
About a decade ago, one school district went to the state for money to fix its crumbling buildings. It got a fraction of what it asked for. Since then, no other district has even applied.
by Becca Savransky, Idaho Statesman, photography by Sarah A. Miller, Idaho Statesman,
Local Reporting Network
Techos colapsados, baños sin servicio, salones inundados: dentro de las escuelas peor financiadas del país
Idaho gasta menos en escuelas por estudiante que cualquier otro estado. Los niños sudan, se hielan y se les dificulta aprender.
por Becca Savransky, Idaho Statesman, fotografía por Sarah A. Miller, Idaho Statesman,
Local Reporting Network
Ayúdenos a informar sobre las deterioradas escuelas públicas de Idaho
El Idaho Statesman y ProPublica quieren enterarse de las condiciones dentro de las escuelas del estado.
por Becca Savransky, Idaho Statesman, y Asia Fields, ProPublica,
Local Reporting Network
Idaho: Help Us Show Readers and Officials Issues With Your School Building
The Idaho Statesman and ProPublica have reported on poor conditions in school buildings. Here’s how to get in touch with your own stories and photos.
by Becca Savransky, Idaho Statesman, and Asia Fields, ProPublica,
Local Reporting Network
Collapsing Roofs, Broken Toilets, Flooded Classrooms: Inside the Worst-Funded Schools in the Nation
Idaho spends less on schools per student than any other state. Kids are sweating, freezing and struggling to learn.
by Becca Savransky, Idaho Statesman, photography by Sarah A. Miller, Idaho Statesman,
Local Reporting Network