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Allan Sloan

Allan Sloan is a former editor at large at ProPublica and a columnist at The Washington Post.

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Allan Sloan, formerly a ProPublica editor at large and a Washington Post columnist, has been writing about business for almost 50 years. He has won seven Loeb Awards, business journalism’s highest honor, in four different categories (including lifetime achievement) in four different decades for five different employees.

Allan, who calls himself “a recovering English major” was a straight-A student in college economics (he took just one course), specializes in explaining complicated things in simple ways. For example, he compared Wall Street geniuses who sliced mortgage securities into complicated pieces with Tyson Foods selling chicken parts.

Allan has worked at the Charlotte Observer, the Detroit Free Press, Forbes (twice), Money magazine, Newsday (twice), Newsweek and Fortune. He is a graduate of Brooklyn College, and the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism. He attended the Seminary College of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America for two years while he was at Brooklyn College, but has no degree.

A Closer Look

Carried Interest Reform Is a Sham

Republicans claim they’re fixing a tax loophole that benefits wealthy money managers. Don’t believe them.

The Tax Plan’s Mega Gift to Some of Trump’s Richest Appointees

The Republican proposal will not only allow them to pass millions (or billions) to their heirs without inheritance taxes, it will also add another benefit on top of that.

Did Trump Get a Big Tax Refund After 2005?

Donald Trump’s supporters crowed when leaked pages of his 2005 return showed he paid a hefty amount of taxes. But the returns for the following years, which remain secret, likely include some hefty refunds of that payment.

A Closer Look

A Schlupfloch Here, a Schlupfloch There. Now It’s Real Money.

How we broke a story about U.S. banks exploiting a tax loophole that cost German taxpayers $1 billion a year — and why you should care.

Remember That CEO Pay Cap? It’s Even Less Effective Than We Knew

Companies are increasingly using pay-for-performance to get around a $1 million federal limit on tax deductions for executive compensation.

When Wall Street Offers Free Money, Watch Out

Bankers and new accounting rules are emboldening governments to borrow-and-bet their way out of pension problems, a strategy that’s backfired in the past.

How Illinois’ Pension Debt Blew Up Chicago’s Credit

After a court ruling, the state’s legacy of borrowing to cover public employee pensions landed a $2.2 billion problem in the city’s lap.

Behind Christie’s Budget Claims, a More Controversial Legacy

N.J. governor closed budget gaps by borrowing, shifting money from trust funds and paring back tax credits