Alec MacGillis
Alec MacGillis is a reporter for ProPublica. In recent years, his coverage has focused on gun violence, economic inequality and the pandemic-era schools crisis.
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Alec MacGillis is a reporter for ProPublica, focusing on gun violence, economic inequality and the pandemic-era schools crisis. MacGillis previously reported for The New Republic, The Washington Post and the Baltimore Sun. He won the 2016 Robin Toner Prize for Excellence in Political Reporting, the 2017 Polk Award for National Reporting and the 2017 Elijah Parish Lovejoy Award. His work has appeared in the New Yorker, The Atlantic, New York and The New York Times Magazine, among other publications.
A resident of Baltimore, MacGillis is the author of “The Cynic,” a 2014 biography of Sen. Mitch McConnell, and “Fulfillment: America in the Shadow of Amazon.”
How Mitch McConnell Made Donald Trump
The president owes both his election and his long-term impact to the Senate majority leader, who not only engineered the strategy that will let Trump make two Supreme Court appointments, but also created the circumstances that facilitated his rise.
by Alec MacGillis,
Forced to Choose Between a Job — and a Community
As the largest employer in Adams County, Ohio, closes its coal-fired power plants there, politicians and companies have thrown up their hands. Families know that finding work means leaving the place they know.
by Alec MacGillis,
Before the Blankenship-McConnell Feud, the Senator Aided the Mining Executive
Mitch McConnell helped Don Blankenship’s company avoid dire regulatory consequences for a disastrous spill in 2000.
by Alec MacGillis,
Billion-Dollar Blessings
How Jerry Falwell Jr. transformed Liberty University, one of the religious right's most powerful institutions, into a wildly lucrative online empire.
by Alec MacGillis,
Addiction Drug’s Side Effect: More Overdoses?
Researchers suggest people getting Vivitrol shots may be more susceptible to a fatal overdose if they halt the regimen early and resume using opiates.
by Alec MacGillis,
How Political Pessimism Helps Doom Tougher Gun Laws
Saying ‘nothing will change’ has empowered the NRA and ignores its declining punch.
by Alec MacGillis,
Kushner Companies Decides to Fight Tenants in State Court Rather Than Reveal Its Investors’ Identities
The move follows a federal judge’s ruling in favor of disclosure.
by Alec MacGillis,
Judge: Kushner Company Must Reveal Identities of Real Estate Partners
The ruling comes in a class-action lawsuit filed by tenants of Kushner-managed apartment complexes in the Baltimore area.
by Alec MacGillis,
Despite Trump Campaign Promise, Billionaires’ Tax Loophole Survives Again
The tax treatment of so-called carried interest wouldn’t change in the overhaul proposed by House Republicans, retaining a big benefit for private-equity and hedge-fund titans.
by Alec MacGillis,
Book Review: The Ordeal of Appalachia
A new account challenges our notion of how the people of Appalachia “acquired civilization and then lost it.”
by Alec MacGillis,