Al Shaw
Al Shaw is a Senior News Application Developer at ProPublica.
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Al Shaw is a Senior News Application Developer at ProPublica. He uses data and interactive graphics to cover environmental issues, natural disasters and politics.
A year before Hurricane Harvey devastated Houston, Shaw was part of a team that produced “Hell and High Water,” which warned of the region's vulnerability to coastal storms. The project won a Peabody Award in 2017. Shaw's project, “Losing Ground,” about the century-long erosion of Louisiana's coast won a Gold Medal from the Society for News Design. His interactive maps surrounding FEMA's response to Hurricane Sandy were honored with the Society of Professional Journalists’ Sigma Delta Chi award. Before joining ProPublica, Shaw was a designer/developer at the political news website Talking Points Memo.
The Color of Debt
The black neighborhoods where collection suits hit hardest
by Al Shaw, Annie Waldman and Paul Kiel,
Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas, While Water Supplies Last
How 40 years of unchecked growth may eventually bust Las Vegas’ water supply.
by Al Shaw and Abrahm Lustgarten,
Killing the Colorado: Explore the River
How the Colorado was turned into a giant plumbing system.
by Al Shaw, Abrahm Lustgarten, Amanda Zamora, Jeff Larson and Lauren Kirchner,
Louisiana’s Moon Shot
The state hopes to save its rapidly disappearing coastline with a 50-year, $50 billion plan based on science that’s never been tested and money it doesn’t have. What could go wrong?
by Al Shaw and Brian Jacobs,
Reporting From the Youngest Land in the World
How we got aerial photographs for our project on Louisiana’s effort to save its southeastern coast.
by Al Shaw and Brian Jacobs,
Losing Ground: Southeast Louisiana is Disappearing, Quickly
Scientists say one of the greatest environmental and economic disasters in the nation’s history -- the rapid land loss occurring in the Mississippi Delta -- is rushing toward a catastrophic conclusion. ProPublica and The Lens explore why it's happening and what we’ll all lose if nothing is done to stop it.
by Brian Jacobs and Al Shaw,
Introducing Landline and Stateline: Two Tools For Quick Vector Maps in your Browser
Today we're releasing code to make it easier for newsrooms to produce maps quickly.
by Al Shaw,
How Dark Money Flows Through the Koch Network
An obscure Arizona nonprofit disbursed millions in cash from anonymous donors. Some was spent on the 2012 elections.
by Al Shaw,
Tire Tracker
Use this database to look up how your tires are rated by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
by Al Shaw,