Adria Malcolm
Record-Setting Blazes Are Growing More Common. Here’s What Survivors of One Want You to Know.
When the federal government accidentally triggered New Mexico’s largest wildfire, hundreds of people lost their homes and livelihoods. They have become reluctant students of forest management, disaster aid and resiliency.
by Byard Duncan, ProPublica, and Patrick Lohmann, Source New Mexico, photography by Adria Malcolm for ProPublica,
Local Reporting Network
Para obtener asistencia social, estas madres solteras se ven obligadas a compartir casi todo lo que saben sobre los padres de sus hijos
Las mujeres que solicitan asistencia social tienen que identificar al padre de sus hijos, y cuándo quedaron embarazadas, entre otros detalles personales. El gobierno utiliza esos datos para reclamarle la manutención al padre y se embolsa el dinero.
por Eli Hager, fotografía por Adria Malcolm, en reporte especial para ProPublica,
These Single Moms Are Forced to Choose: Reveal Their Sexual Histories or Forfeit Welfare
Women who apply for welfare often have to identify who fathered their children and when they got pregnant, among other deeply personal details. State governments use that information to pursue child support from the dads — and then pocket the money.
by Eli Hager, photography by Adria Malcolm, special to ProPublica,