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The NYPD Files: Search Thousands of Civilian Complaints Against New York City Police Officers
After New York state repealed a law that kept NYPD disciplinary records secret, ProPublica obtained data from the civilian board that investigates complaints about police behavior. Use this database to search thousands of allegations.
What Coronavirus Job Losses Reveal About Racism in America
The catastrophic loss of millions of U.S. jobs is another part of the coronavirus pandemic that is falling disproportionately onto the shoulders of Black Americans.
We Reviewed Police Tactics Seen in Nearly 400 Protest Videos. Here’s What We Found.
We asked experts to watch videos showing officers using tear gas, pepper balls and explosives on protesters. Police actions often escalated confrontations.
Coronavirus Contracts: Tracking Federal Purchases to Fight the Pandemic
The federal government is spending billions of dollars to combat the coronavirus, and spending shows no sign of slowing down. Explore who the U.S. is buying from, what it’s buying and how much it’s paying.
States Are Reopening: See How Coronavirus Cases Rise or Fall
As states reopen, see if they meet White House guidelines for reopening and whether their COVID-19 infection rate is increasing or not.
Can I Be Evicted During Coronavirus?
Even if you live in a state that has not banned evictions, federal rules may still protect you. Look up your address to learn more.
Coronavirus in Illinois: Are There Enough Ventilators and Hospital Beds Near Me?
Use our tool to see how hospitals in your region and county are handling the coronavirus pandemic, based on data from the Illinois Department of Public Health.
2020 Political Ad Collector
How Political Advertisers Target You on Facebook
Coronavirus in New York City: How Many Confirmed Cases Are Near Me?
We’re tracking how many New York City residents have tested positive for the coronavirus in every ZIP code and how each neighborhood compares with others.
Are Hospitals Near Me Ready for Coronavirus? Here Are Nine Different Scenarios.
How soon regions run out of hospital beds depends on how fast the novel coronavirus spreads and how many open beds they had to begin with. Here’s a look at the whole country. You can also search for your region.
Credibly Accused
Over the last year and a half, U.S. dioceses and religious orders covering most of the Catholics in the country have released lists of what they regard as “credibly accused” abusers who have served in their ranks. You can search these lists in our interactive database.
Con acusaciones creíbles
Durante el pasado año y medio, diócesis y órdenes religiosas en los Estados Unidos, que cubren la mayoría de la población católica del país, emitieron listas de los abusadores "con acusaciones creíbles" que han servido en sus filas. Puede hacer búsquedas en las listas por medio de nuestra base de datos interactiva. Esta sección estará disponible en español próximamente.
Nobody Knows How Many Kids Die From Maltreatment and Abuse in the U.S.
Experts agree that the data we were able to obtain is a substantial undercount and child fatalities may be three times higher.
HUD Inspect: See if Publicly Subsidized Housing Units Passed or Failed Government Inspections
Across the country, publicly subsidized housing residents have discovered that passing scores on HUD inspections often don't match the reality of their living conditions. Look up housing complex scores near you.
Your Doctor Might Have a Disciplinary Record. Here’s How to Find Out.
Does your doctor have a criminal conviction? Has your doctor wrongly prescribed controlled substances? Use this tool to look it up.
See How This Political Boss and His Associates Bought Up Valuable Land After A Tax Break Law
Camden’s waterfront sat vacant for decades, but George E. Norcross III helped to usher in lucrative tax breaks. The land went to his friends and allies. Now, federal investigators are looking into some of the deals.
Dollars for Profs: Search Conflicts of Interest
For the first time ever, you can see conflict of interest and financial disclosure records for employees of universities across the country.
Under Trump, LGBTQ Progress Is Being Reversed in Plain Sight
Donald Trump promised he would fight for LGBTQ people. Instead, his administration has systematically undone recent gains in their rights and protections. Here are 31 examples.
Congressional Survey on Hate Crimes
We asked members of Congress what they wanted to do about hate violence beyond offering thoughts and prayers. Here’s what they said.
In a Notoriously Polluted Area of the Country, Massive New Chemical Plants Are Still Moving In
Data from an EPA model indicates that communities along the lower Mississippi River corridor already face severely elevated cancer risks from industrial activity. Massive new chemical plants are slated to be built there anyway.