Freedom of Information Act requests and other records requests are crucial tools to help the public understand how our governments are tracking, reacting, planning and otherwise making critical decisions. ProPublica stories are often influenced and informed by documents, and we want your suggestions for what to request.
Are you a federal, state or city level government employee? Are you someone who regularly interacts with government agencies? Do you have an idea for a particular type of record we should be asking for or a specific agency we should be asking? We welcome your advice.
At this time, we are especially eager to understand the government’s response to the coronavirus crisis. We’re submitting public records requests at all levels of government. Please complete the form below to share your tips about what you think ProPublica should be looking for.
If you are someone working or living on the front lines of the coronavirus pandemic and have a suggestion not related to records you’d like to share, we still want to hear from you and have a different set of questions for you here.