Update: On May 4, the House of Representatives, by a vote of 217-213, passed the American Health Care Act, which would partially repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. The legislative activity will now move to the Senate. Please continue to send us your correspondence with members of Congress — and particularly senators — so that we can track the bill’s progress.
We're looking for civically engaged people to help us fact-check what members of Congress are sending to their constituents. And we are particularly looking at how they respond when it comes to the Affordable Care Act and its future. So, ProPublica is teaming with journalists at Kaiser Health News, Stat and Vox to gather as many responses as possible.
We've already fact-checked one e-mail to a constituent from Missouri Sen. Roy Blunt. Our assessment: The note was misleading and lacked important context. We want to do more and that's where you come in.
Have you sent a letter in support, in opposition or asking questions about the ACA to your senator or congressperson? Did you get a response? Share them with us.
Below is a form that allows you to choose the elected representative or senator that you wrote a letter to. From there you can upload a document or copy and paste the text of the letter or email you sent, as well as the elected official's response.
If you have any questions about anything, please email acafactcheck@propublica.org.