Over the past several months, we’ve reported on the ways Intuit has made its TurboTax Free File product really hard to find.
We’re interested in understanding how the TurboTax product lineup and the Free File issue are seen and handled inside the company. Do you work at Intuit or did you work there in recent years? We’re interested in many perspectives , so we’d love to hear from you if you worked in finance, marketing, data science, analytics, design, legal or other areas.
If you have other information about Intuit, Free File or the tax software industry, including other companies like H&R Block or Jackson Hewitt, we would love to hear about that, too. Fill out the form below to help us get the fullest, most accurate sense of what’s going on.
We take your privacy seriously. The following questionnaire is submitted via https. However, the administrator of the network you’re on may be able to see your communication. If you’d rather talk on Signal, which is more secure, send a message to 774-826-6240. You can also email us directly at turbotax@propublica.org.