
Spending at Trump Properties

During the presidential race, Donald Trump’s campaign spent millions at his properties. When he became the presumptive nominee, Republican campaign committees followed suit. Since his inauguration, federal officials have continued the pattern, spending taxpayer money at his hotels, golf clubs and restaurants. ProPublica has collected the details of this spending since 2015* into an interactive graphic, Paying the President, and is releasing the data as a download. 

Please note: Federal government spending is incomplete because many government agencies have actively fought requests to disclose spending at Trump properties. The data we have so far was released, in part, after lawsuits. We’ll continue to update this page as we receive more data.

Additionally, federal government spending data does not include all expenses from the Secret Service or from Coast Guard protection details. Some federal spending reports we received did not include transaction dates. 

* Federal Election Commission data is from April 30, 2015 through May 8, 2018; Federal agency expenditure data from the Department of Commerce is from Jan. 15, 2017 through April 10, 2018; data from the Department of Defense is from Jan. 20, 2017 through June 14, 2017; data from the Department of Homeland Security is from Jan. 20, 2017 through Feb. 13, 2018; data from the General Services Administration is from Jan. 20, 2017 through Nov. 20, 2017; data from the Department of State is from Jan. 20, 2017 through Aug. 2, 2017, with three expenditures with unknown transaction dates; State and local government agency expenditure data is from Jan. 20, 2017 through June 2018.


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Part of these collections:

Trump Administration, Federal Agencies, Federal Government, Political Campaigns, Government Spending, and Government Agencies

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