The Historic Claims That Put a Few California Farming Families First in Line for Colorado River Water
Correction, Nov. 10, 2023: The story originally misidentified where Jay Famiglietti works. He is at Arizona State University, not the University of Arizona.
This Billion-Dollar Plan to Save Salmon Depends on a Giant Fish Vacuum
Correction, Jan. 23, 2025: This story originally included a photograph whose caption misidentified a dam. It was an image of the Detroit Dam, not the Lookout Point Dam.
Police Resistance and Politics Undercut the Authority of Prosecutors Trying to Reform the Justice System
Correction, Oct. 11, 2023: An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated that former San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin dismissed charges in a rape case in 2021 and that it was a factor in his recall.
Anchorage City Commissioner Charged With Fraudulently Obtaining $1.6 Million in COVID-19 Relief Funds for Her Charity
Correction, Sept. 30, 2023: This story originally misstated the first name of Anchorage Mayor Dave Bronson’s spokesperson. It is Veronica, not Victoria.
The Cleanup of Seattle’s Only River Could Cost Boeing and Taxpayers $1 Billion. Talks Over Who Will Pay Most Are Secret.
Correction, Sept. 27, 2023: This story originally quoted a King County health warning incorrectly. The correct wording is “Fun to Catch, Toxic to Eat,” not “Fun to Fish, Toxic to Eat.”
Despite Major Reform to Military Justice System, Navy Still Leaves Public in Dark
Correction, Aug. 25, 2023: This story originally implied that the Navy’s new rules for handling court records had not been released. The story has been updated throughout to reflect that the new rules were released Aug. 9 and go into effect Sept. 14.
Years After Being Ticketed at School for a Theft She Said Never Happened, Former Student Prevails in Court
Correction, Aug. 10, 2023: This story originally misstated the day a verdict was handed down. It was Thursday, not Wednesday.
Activists Have Long Called for Charleston to Confront Its Racial History. Tourists Are Now Expecting It.
Correction, July 31, 2023: This story originally misstated a street number. Several residents want to put an historical marker at 24 Broad St. There already is one at 34 Broad St.
Close to 100,000 Voter Registrations Were Challenged in Georgia — Almost All by Just Six Right-Wing Activists
Correction, July 13, 2023: A caption with this story originally misspelled the first name of a voter. She is Sara Ketchum, not Sarah.
Correction, July 14, 2023: This story originally misstated the rank of Gwinnett County in terms of population. It is the second most populous county in Georgia, not the most populous.
Illinois Leaves Three Administrators in Charge at Choate Despite Troubled History of Resident Care
Correction, July 11, 2023: This story originally misidentified the plea entered by Bradley Cross. He pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor, not a felony.
Out of Balance
Correction, June 15, 2023: This story originally misstated the type of chimpanzee threatened by a hydroelectric dam in Gabon. It is the central chimpanzee, not the western chimpanzee.
New York Charter Schools Write Their Own Rules for When to Call 911 on Students Having a Mental Health Crisis
Correction, June 23, 2023: The story originally misstated in part the origin of the 87 calls made to 911 between July 2016 and December 2022. The calls originated from Success Academy schools, but some of them were placed by staff, while others were placed by school safety officers working in the building who were not employed by the school.
As Residential Care Homes Expand in Maine, Seniors Don’t Always Get the Care They Need
Correction, May 22, 2023: This story originally referred imprecisely to a medication that residential care staff had incorrectly provided to Martin Hunt. He was given medication for anxiety and sleeping problems, not seizures.
The Student Protesters Were Arrested. The Man Who Got Violent in the Parking Lot Wasn’t.
Correction, May 13, 2023: This story originally misquoted one of the Black History Month posters described by Cindy Nations. According to Nations, the poster said "All History Matters," not "All Lives Matter."
How South Carolina Ended Up With an All-Male Supreme Court
Correction, April 28, 2023: This story originally misstated the color of retired judge Kaye Hearn’s eyes. They are green, not blue.
As Rail Profits Soar, Blocked Crossings Force Kids to Crawl Under Trains to Get to School
Correction, April 26, 2023: This story originally misstated the title of Randy Fannon. He is a national vice president of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen, not its general chairman.
The Federal Government Accidentally Burned Down Their Houses, Then Made It Hard to Come Home
Correction, April 26, 2023: This story originally referred incorrectly to a deputy secretary in New Mexico’s Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management. Kelly Hamilton uses male pronouns, not female pronouns.
Blown Away: Fishermen Endangered by Offshore Wind’s Political Power
Correction, April 21, 2023: This story originally omitted the names of two agencies that also signed on to a report conceding there would be negative economic impacts to fisheries. The document was produced with the Army Corps of Engineers and NOAA Fisheries, not solely by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management.
The True Dangers of Long Trains
Correction, April 3, 2023: This story originally misstated the brand of Kristina Sutphin’s car. It is a Hyundai Santa Fe, not a Honda.
How Cigna Saves Millions by Having Its Doctors Reject Claims Without Reading Them
Correction, April 14, 2023: This story originally misstated what can happen to a person with vitamin D deficiency. The body will pull calcium from the bones, not vitamin D.