The Administration's Latest Critic: The Chamber of Commerce
Correction, Aug. 13, 2008: This post originally quoted U.S. Chamber of Commerce Director of Immigration Policy Angelo Amador as saying the Chamber is generally viewed as "a friendly administration tool." We misheard. Amador actually said the Chamber generally views the administration as "a friendly administration."
Republicans Block Presidential Library Disclosure Bill
Correction, July 16, 2008: An earlier version quoted Stevens' spokesman Steve Wackowski as saying that Stevens had never put a hold on the bill. Wackowski subsequently e-mailed to say that his first statement was incorrect and that Stevens had in fact put a hold on the bill.
How One Mid-Size Paper Took On Blackwater
Correction, July 14, 2008: An earlier version of this story stated that the News & Observer employs 260 journalists. In fact, with recent cuts, the newsroom’s size is under 200 editorial staff. Additionally, the News & Observer’s Steve Riley told us the paper’s coverage on Blackwater began in 2002; the paper subsequently informed us the initial story was in 2001.
Big Pharma Limits Small Gifts to Doctors
Correction, July 10, 2008: This post initially erred in describing a disclosure statement filed with Stanford University by Dr. Alan Schatzberg. The researcher told the university that his holdings in a pharmaceutical company whose drug he was studying were valued at "over" $100,000. The post did not include a full account of the university's response to statements by Sen. Charles Grassley. Stanford said that after filing his disclosure form, Schatzberg told the university his stock was worth more than $6 million.
Voice of America to Cut Language Services
Correction, July 9, 2008: This post originally described a reduction to seven language services. It has been changed to clearly indicate that it is VOA's radio services that are being cut. Also the post originally referred to cuts in the Tibetan services, which were only slated for reductions.
Alhurra's Baghdad Bureau Mired in Controversy
Correction, July 8, 2008: This article originally referred to a "business manager, who approves checks, pays bill and sends thick envelopes of petty cash to Baghdad each month." The practice of sending cash from the U.S. is no longer in effect.
Correction, July 8, 2008: This post originally misidentified the senior American diplomat who wrote an e-mail critical of Alhurra. He was Christopher Ross, not Christopher Hill.
BBG Responds to ProPublica's Alhurra Investigation -- And We Have Some Questions for Them
Correction, June 30, 2008: This post originally stated that Alhurra had not received a "clean" financial audit. It has received such audits.
Alhurra Paid Former White House Aides, Washington Journalists
Correction, June 24, 2008: This article misstated the amount Amity Shlaes received $500 for an appearance on Alhurra. She received $300.
Lost in Translation: Alhurra -- America's Troubled Effort to Win Middle East Hearts and Minds
Correction, June 22, 2008: This post originally stated that Alhurra president Brian Conniff "sat in on a morning editorial meeting" conducted wholly in Arabic. Conniff actually stood outside the door of the room where the meeting was conducted. Also, an e-mail from Alberto Fernandez was incorrectly stated as being sent to Under Secretary of State Karen Hughes in May 2007. It was sent in March 2007. The story also incorrectly stated that according to one set of ratings, "Alhurra is the number four network in Iraq, behind Al-Jazeera, and two others." While Alhurra is number four, it ranks ahead of Al-Jazeera in those ratings. Finally, the story also incorrectly stated that James Glassman served for six months as chairman of the Broadcasting Board of Governors. He actually served for one year.