Congressmen Raised Concerns About BP Safety Before Gulf Oil Spill
Correction, May 4, 2010: This post mistakenly said the 2006 Prudhoe Bay oil spill involved 4,800 gallons of oil. It should have said it involved 4,800 barrels of oil.
New Tricks for Those Republican ‘Census’ Mailers
Correction, Apr. 28, 2010: The original post mistakenly said a letter sent to Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele was authored by Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.). The letter was actually written by Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah).
Charges Aside, What About Goldman's Nondisclosure of a Potential Lawsuit?
Correction, April 20, 2010: This post has been corrected to note that SEC rules generally do not require disclosure about a pending legal proceeding if the claim for damages does not exceed 10 percent of the company's overall assets. It had previously said only that the SEC does not require disclosure of a Wells notice.
The Magnetar Trade: How One Hedge Fund Helped Keep the Bubble Going
Correction, April 9, 2010: This story previously suggested that the hedge fund Magnetar was involved in the naming of “Squared,” a JP Morgan Chase collateralized debt obligation. In a September 30, 2010 letter to ProPublica, Magnetar said it did not name the CDO, and we have corrected the story to remove the previous suggestion.
Reporting Network Doc Squad
Correction, April 5, 2010: This post mistakenly included Delaware and Georgia among the states that currently restrict public records access for people of out-of-state.
Data Show Bank Regulator Goes Easy on Enforcement
Correction, March 29, 2010: This post has been corrected to remove language calling the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency a "little known bank regulator."
Treasury, Ahem, Clarifies Goals for the Mortgage Mod Program
Correction, March 25, 2010: This piece originally misstated the Treasury official's estimate of how many homeowners will convert from trial to permanent mods. It said that "Treasury thinks that somewhere between 50 and 66 percent of homeowners in trial mods will fall out," when the official said that between 50 and 66 percent of those homeowners will convert to a permanent mod.
Has Health Care Bickering Blocked Afghan Police Training Inquiry?
Correction, March 24, 2010: This post originally identified Sen. Mitch McConnell as the Senate majority leader. He is, in fact, the Senate Republican leader.
Gas Drillers Plead Guilty to Felony Dumping Violations
Correction, Feb. 22, 2010: This post originally said that John Morgan was a subcontractor for Swamp Angel Energy. He should have been identified as the site supervisor. The story also implied that the Swamp Angel well was drilled into the Marcellus Shale. Although the well is located in the Marcellus Shale area, the story should have said that it was drilled into a different geologic formation.
Our New List of Stimulus Investigations
Correction, Feb. 17, 2010: This post originally said that another $333 billion in stimulus funds is in the pipeline to be spent. That figure actually refers to stimulus funds that have been obligated. The amount of money in the pipeline -- that is, obligated but not spent -- is some $150 billion.
Administration Signals It Won't Push Legal Limits of Terrorism Detention
Correction, Feb. 7, 2010: The original version of this story incorrectly stated that the al-Marri decision in the Court of Appeals still stands. In fact, the Supreme Court vacated the decision, thus depriving it of value as a legal precedent.
Lobbyists Help Smooth the Way for a Tax Break for Foreign Rum Maker
Correction, Feb. 3, 2010: This post originally said Puerto Rico Resident Commissioner Pedro Pierluisi was stepping up his lobbying efforts. It should have said that Puerto Rico Gov. Luis Fortuño was stepping up his lobbying efforts.
The post also said that Diageo spent $2.25 million on in-house lobbyists and $770,000 on lobbyists from DLA Piper. It should have said that Diageo spent a total of $2.25 million on lobbying activities in 2009, including $770,000 to DLA Piper.
Judiciary Chairman Conyers to Host Super Bowl Fundraiser
Correction, Jan. 26, 2010: This post originally said that Rep. John Conyers’ PAC is called "Moving America Forward." The correct name of Conyers’ PAC is "America Forward Leadership PAC.
Real Student Default Rates Much Higher Than Previously Known
Correction, Dec. 16, 2009: An earlier version of this article reported that the Department of Education was projecting that 47 percent of the federal money lent to students at for-profit education institutions in 2007 would never be repaid. We also said that the department had estimated that 40 percent of the money lent to students at for-profit institutions between 2003 and 2006 would be written off. Those statements—a main thrust of the article—are not accurate. Read our note detailing the error.
After Donor’s Letter, Sen. Feinstein Supports Study That Could Delay Fish-Protection Plan
Correction, Dec. 7, 2009: The headline on this story previously said that a study Sen. Feinstein supports is “helping slow down” a fish protection plan. In fact, the plan is already in place. While the study may delay it, it hasn’t yet done so.
Bank Failure Friday Roars Back: Six Banks Fail, Costing FDIC $2.4 Billion
Correction, Dec. 5, 2009: Due to poor math by an editor, the headline on this story previously stated that Friday’s bank failures will cost the FDIC $2.6 billion. The failures are actually projected to cost the agency about $2.4 billion.
More Fun With Stimulus Numbers
Correction, Nov. 4, 2009: This post originally said that the White House had released a report on stimulus jobs. In fact, the report was released by the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board, which is an independent government board created by stimulus package. The chairman, Earl Devaney, was appointed by the president.
At University of Phoenix, Allegations of Enrollment Abuses Persist
Correction, Nov. 3, 2009: This post originally stated that the graduation rate of students undertaking associate degrees at the university is 37 percent. In fact, the rate is 27 percent.
Grading the Public Options That Already Exist
Correction, Oct. 28, 2009: This post originally indicated that if veterans did not sign up within five years of discharge, they would not qualify for Veterans health care. In fact, if a veteran qualifies under the VA's enrollment specifications, they can qualify for care, regardless of how much time has passed since discharge. This articles also originally indicated that if you are low-income, have children or are disabled, you typically qualify for Medicaid. In fact, having children is not, on its own, a way to qualify for Medicaid.
Medicare Drug Planners Now Lobbyists, With Billions at Stake
Correction, Oct. 20, 2009: This post originally stated lawmakers and aides crafted the Medicare Part D plan four years ago. It should have said six years ago. This article also said that Billy Tauzin was a former senator in the 29th graph. He was actually a former representative.